Four cheese pate recipe with Thermo mix

Spreads are always a hit and if you have a Thermo mix at home, you already know that you can use it to make thousands of different creations in this field. In this article, we have all kinds of creams and pâtés with Thermo mix and in this case we present you with a mixture of irresistible cheeses so that you can combine to your liking when presenting appetizers and snacks.

Read on to learn how to prepare this four-cheese pâté with a Thermo mix that has cheese, blue cheese, emmental and fresh cheese. A delicacy that you cannot stop trying and that you will have ready in less than 10 minutes.

Ingredients to make Pate four cheeses with Thermo mix:

• 200 grams of cream or milk cream

• 200 milliliters of milk

• 80 grams of butter

• 5 little cheeses

• 100 grams of Roquefort cheese

• 200 grams of Emmental cheese

• 200 grams of white cheese or fresh cheese

How to make Four Cheese Pate with Thermo mix:

We start with our cheese pâté with Thermo mix by placing the cream together with the milk and butter in the glass. Program then for 3 minutes with a temperature of 80º and speed 5. Next, add the rest of the ingredients on the list and blend together for a few seconds at speed 8. Then program the Thermo mix again for 3 minutes, changing the temperature to 85º and the speed to 8.

Once this process is finished, pour the contents of the glass into a container and reserve in the fridge until it cools and sets, for a few hours or overnight.

You can use a silicone mold or a special one for gelatin so that you can easily unmold the pate. When it has the right texture, take it out of the fridge and serve the four-cheese pâté with Thermo mix to liven up a gathering with friends alongside some crackers or toast.

Remember that you can vary the intensity of flavor of the cheese pâté by playing with the amount of Roquefort cheese and cheese. You can also use Gorgonzola cheese instead of Roquefort, although if you want to see other combinations of cheeses you can see the original cheese pâté recipe with Thermo mix.

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