Foie gras truffled with Madeira wine recipe

Ingredients to make Foie gras truffled with Madeira wine:

  • 1 goose or duck liver of 800 gr.
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 3 shallots
  • 25 grams of mushrooms
  • 1 bunch of aromatic herbs
  • 20 grams bacon rind
  • 3dl beef juice
  • 5 dl madeira wine
  • 12 grams corn starch
  • 25 grams of butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 1 fat slice of bacon
  • 10 grams of truffles

How to make Foie gras truffled with Madeira wine:

Liver preparation:

Carefully remove the gallbladder; put it to soak in fresh water and renew it frequently, removing the liver each time it is changed and submerging it again in it. To truffle the liver, cut the truffles into pieces and insert them into the liver by making bias incisions with a stick. Season and spice. Wrap the liver in the slice of bacon and let it rest in the fridge. In an oval dish with a lid suitable for the size of the liver, that is, no more than 1 cm left. Of separation between the foie and the walls. Arrange the bacon rinds, top with the thinly sliced ​​carrot and onion, the chopped shallots and the sprig of herbs.

On them put the liver wrapped in bacon, add the beef juice and the Madeira wine or an Oloroso sherry. The liver should be slightly bathed in liquid. Cook over high heat, and when it starts to boil, cover and put in a moderate oven for forty-five minutes. When it is cooked, remove the liver and reserve covered. Pass the juice through a fine sieve and cook over high heat until reduced to 1/4 litre. Dissolve the starch with two tablespoons of cold juice, add it to the sauce and boil until it is bound; then add 1/2 dl. more Madeira or Sherry wine, and leave to heat. Remove the bacon that surrounds the liver and put it in the sauce pan until it is hot; cover and let stand twelve minutes, watching so that it does not boil and turning it after 6 minutes. Place the liver in a bowl and mix the sauce while heating it without boiling and adding the butter cut into small pieces. Pour a little sauce over the liver, and serve the rest in a gravy boat.

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