Flourless Spinach Pancakes Recipe

Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K, known for its functions in blood coagulation, although it is also essential for bone health. In addition, it also provides folate, whose deficiency can cause weakness, fatigue, concentration problems, among other problems. Your supply of magnesium is key to maintaining the health of the muscles and the nervous system, blood sugar levels and blood pressure. For all these benefits, we want to show you how to use it in an original recipe for flourless pancakes or flourless crepes with just 2 ingredients.

In this article we teach you how to make spinach pancakes without flour. You can’t miss it!

Ingredients to make spinach pancakes without flour:

  • 80 grams of spinach
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of Provencal

How to make Flourless Spinach Pancakes:

The first step in making this flourless spinach pancake recipe is to process the previously washed and drained spinach with the egg. Place the egg under the spinach leaves in the food processor so the blades can catch them.

Trick: oatmeal is also delicious in this recipe. So, if you wish, you can make spinach and oatmeal pancakes, you just have to add the cereal in this step.

When you have a creamy paste with all the processed leaves, heat the pan covering the base with oil.

When it is hot, pour a little of the preparation to make the first pancake. Make it moderately fine and cook it until bubbles form.

Carefully and with the help of a spatula, turn the spinach pancake without flour to brown it on the other side.

It’s ready to eat! We hope you liked this recipe with so few ingredients. It is ideal for those who decide to follow a carbohydrate-free diet. What will you fill your healthy spinach pancakes with? We would love to see the photo of your result in the comments. Let’s cook!

With what to accompany spinach crepes without flour:

The good thing about these flourless spinach crepes is that they are very versatile. For example, you can use them for a salty snack, a brunch, a light lunch or you can also take them as a lunch box for your work, school or university. Here are some ideas to make a delicious filling:

Tuna Egg Stuffing: Cook an egg for 12 minutes in cold water to make it hard. Next, mash it with a fork to mix it with a can of natural tuna, you must drain it first. It will form an ideal paste to fill the pancakes.

Chicken and vegetable filling: use your spinach pancake as a taco, filling it with a sautéed chicken supreme with onion, bell pepper, zucchini, eggplant, carrot and soy sauce. You can even add a tablespoon of guacamole.

Spinach wrap without flour: spread your pancake with carrot mayonnaise, add some raw spinach leaves or arugula and slices of cold cuts. Roll it up and you’re ready to eat it!

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