Florentine style tuna cannelloni recipe

Ingredients to make Florentine-style tuna cannelloni:

  • flaked tuna in oil
  • 1 leek white
  • 1 tomato
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 boiled egg
  • Ketchup
  • white willow
  • chopped parsley
  • oil
  • salted
  • Toilet
  • 1/2 liter of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • cooked spinach
  • 200g of flour
  • salted
  • oil

How to make Florentine-style tuna cannelloni:

  1. To prepare the filling, chop the leek and half an onion. Sauté these vegetables in a pan with a little oil. Season.
  2. Cut the tomato into small pieces and add it to the bread.
  3. To prepare the pancakes, mix the milk, eggs, salt, oil, cooked spinach and flour.
  4. Process everything and let the cream rest for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Heat a pan with oil and pour in a little of the spinach cream, spreading it well.
  6. Flip the pancake over and put it on a plate. Repeat the same operation until you finish all the cream.
  7. Add the crumbled tuna and the boiled and chopped egg to the filling. Add a little white sauce and mix well.
  8. Fill the pancakes. Cover the bottom of a baking dish with the tomato sauce and put the pancakes on top.
  9. Cover them with the white sauce. Cook for 1-2 minutes au gratin. Garnish with a sprig of parsley. It serves.

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