Florence Salad Recipe

Ingredients to make Florence Salad:

• 1/2 romaine lettuce

• 1/2 dried lettuce

• 2 chicory lettuces

• 1 carrot

• 1/2 golden onion

• 16 black olives

• 2 plum tomatoes

• Parmesan cheese to taste

• Parsley (to decorate)

• 4 boiled quail eggs

• 4 leaves of sangria lettuce to decorate.

For the dressing:

• 1/4 cup olive oil

• 1/4 cup lemon juice

• 1/4 cup of white wine

• 1 garlic clove

• 1/2 teaspoon sugar

• 1/2 teaspoon ground chili pepper.

How to make Florence Salad:

To make the dressing, blend the olive oil together with the lemon juice, the white wine, the garlic clove, the sugar and the Chile de arbor. Separately, in a salad bowl, stir the lettuce (except the sangria) previously washed and cut.

Also, wash, peel and slice the carrot to add to the lettuce. Add the onion cut to taste and the olives, stir well.

To serve (on four plates) arrange each of the sangria lettuce leaves and serve the portions of the salad. Garnish with the tomato cut into wedges.

Then place each of the quail eggs, previously cut crosswise, in the center of the plate, season and add the Parmesan cheese and parsley and serve.

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