Flavored Mojitos Recipes

Cocktails were born in Cuba and it is presumed that it was during the 16th century. It is said that in principle, the sailors took it as a medicine to avoid scurvy. Many years ago, it was made with a type of brandy called tafia, but later it was changed to rum. Over the years, the mojito became a very popular alcoholic drink on the island and achieved worldwide fame after Ernest Hemingway tasted it. Currently, this drink is still highly appreciated and now its base recipe contains: peppermint or mint, white or brown sugar, lime or lemon juice, rum (preferably white), ice (cubed or crushed) and soda or water. From here, there are endless variations that include fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

Coconut mojito

Among the recipes for flavored mojitos, perhaps one of the most interesting is the coconut mojito. And you may wonder why, well, because coconut milk subtly changes some characteristics of the drink, without taking away its identity. A drink with a creamy texture, with a different color and a marked flavor. Take note of the following step by step and try this exquisite drink.


  1. Crush 1 bunch of mint leaves in a mortar together with 2 teaspoons of brown sugar. Macerate until everything is completely mixed and you get a paste. Do not excessively crush the mint leaves, as the drink will acquire a bitter taste. Reserve the preparation.
  2. Prepare a glass with 2 ounces of white rum (60 ml). Then fill with 1 sodaand add 1 quartered lemon or lime.
  3. Add 1 ounce of coconut milk (30 ml) and the rest of the ingredients contained in the mortar. Garnish with mint leaves and grated coconut. Consume it very cold and with plenty of ice.

Yield for 1 diner.

Tip: a good cocktail is prepared with a previously chilled glass or glass.

Mojito Cuban

If it is about mojito recipes, without a doubt you have to include the basic recipe, the original one. But first, keep in mind the following tricks for a spectacular mojito: you must not exceed the sugar or it will be very sweet (use 1-3 teaspoons). Do not crush the mint too much or it will become bitter, use quality rum, preferably mix the ingredients after adding the rum and before adding the ice (otherwise the sugar does not dissolve well). Avoid using large chunks of ice, preferably do not use lemon-lime soda, and avoid excessive decorations. That being said, we are going to prepare this Cuban mojito following the following steps:


  1. Squeeze 1/2 lime or lemon into a wide-mouthed glass using a strainer. Also add 3 tablespoons of brown sugar and 6 mint leaves.
  2. Crush all the ingredients with a pestle (stick). Crush them against the bottom of the glass. Do it until you feel the aromas, but do not overdo it.
  3. Add 2 ice cubes and let the mixture rest. Once settled, pour in 2 ounces of white rum (60 ml) or to taste.
  4. Fill with soda, the empty part of the glass. Aguaquina also works, but it has a more intense flavor.
  5. Stir the cocktail with a spoon or special stirrer. Do it until the brown sugar melts.
  6. Tip: To prepare mojitos, preferably use white rum.

Yield for 1 diner.

Tip: to prepare mojitos, preferably use white rum.

Mojito with Jamaican flower water

The calyx flower or Jamaican flower, as its name indicates, refers to a flower that belongs to the Malvaceae family. This plant originally comes from Asia and tropical Africa, but it is a very common ingredient in Mexican cuisine. So if you want original and colorful mojito recipes, you need to try this cocktail by following the instructions that we will discuss below:


  1. Add ice to 2 wide-mouthed glasses. Wait until the glasses cool down. Discard the excess water.
  2. Cook 3 tablespoons of Flor de Jamaica along with 1 glass of water. Wait for 10 minutes before removing it from the heat.
  3. Strain and reserve. Let the Jamaica water cool before starting the recipe.
  4. Frost the glasses. Wet the rim of the glass with lemon juice and then add the sugar.
  5. Crush 1 tablespoon of sugar, a quartered lemon and 15 mint or mint leaves. First, macerate the lemon and the sugar until the sugar is diluted, then add the mint and crush it just a little to get the aroma. Let the preparation rest for 2 minutes, in this way the flavors will be more concentrated.
  6. Pour in 1-2 ounces of rum (preferably white) and mix very well. The sugar should be completely dissolved.
  7. Fill the glass with soda. Pour it in a circular way and little by little. Stir a little with a spoon.
  8. Add ice and decorate with mint or mint leaves.

Yield for 2.

Tip: Tonic water is added last and slowly to conserve gas.

Passion fruit mojito

The passion fruit or passion fruit has that citrus touch that fits perfectly with the traditional mojito. In addition, this fruit has an aphrodisiac reputation and although its effectiveness in this regard has not yet been proven, it is known that passion fruit provides antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. In this way, a very attractive drink emerges, perfect for very special moments or for very hot days. If you want to learn how to make flavored mojitos, just follow the next easy step by step.


  1. Cut 5 lemons in half. Deposit 1 half per glass and reserve the rest.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of white or brown sugar along with 15 mint leaves. Use this portion for each cocktail.
  3. Crush and mix each content. Then, let everything rest for 1 or 2 minutes.
  4. Distribute between the preparations the juice of 3 passion fruit or passion fruit (passion fruit). If you don’t have natural fruit, you can use pulp.
  5. Put enough ice in glasses. A quality mojito should always be served very cold.
  6. Add the remaining lemons. Squeeze 1 half per glass, but do it over a strainer and then mix everything very well.
  7. Pour 1 tonic water into each cocktail. Stir very slowly to avoid losing the gas.
  8. Add 50 ml white rum per glass. Mix again.

Makes 5.

In this article we show you 20 easy gin drink recipes. Keep reading!

Tip: If you want a more pronounced fruit flavor, replace the tonic or aguaquina water with soda.

Refreshing strawberry and lemon mojito

The flavors of mojitos allow us to give space to creativity, obtaining as a result very tasty combinations, which are also very attractive visually. That is why we suggest this recipe with strawberry and lemon, because its color will invite you to try it and its flavor will hook you. Follow the next step by step and delight yourself:


  1. Wash 4 lemons very well. Cut them into quarters and reserve.
  2. Wash and disinfect 500 grams of strawberries. Also, remove the stem.
  3. Cut the strawberries in half and place them in the glasses. Distribute the strawberries in equal portions.
  4. Put the chopped lemons in the glasses and also 1 tablespoon of brown sugar in each one. Crush the ingredients until they release their juices (lemon and strawberries).
  5. Pour 1 glass of white rum into each glass. Continue macerating the ingredients for 2 more minutes.
  6. Deposit 2 more glasses of rum in each glass. Finish by adding some ice to taste.

Makes 4

Tip: if you don’t have natural fruit, use pulp.

Non-alcoholic mojito

No one will be left wanting to try a good mojito! So, if you don’t drink alcohol or you can’t, we invite you to taste our proposal. The mojito is not only a tasty drink, but also a refreshing drink, something similar to a lemonade but with alcohol and soda. If the idea seems interesting to you, save this suggestion among your mojito recipes and prepare it following the step by step that we leave you below:


  1. Wash 1 lime very well and cut it. Divide them into 6 parts into thin slices and reserve one or two to decorate.
  2. Place the lime wedges and 1 tablespoon of brown sugar in a glass. Use a whiskey glass or one similar, that is, tall and with a wide mouth.
  3. Crush both ingredients with the mortar stick. Crush the lime wedges by mixing them with the sugar.
  4. Wash 15 mint leaves and macerate them with the rest of the ingredients. Give them a light pat beforehand, so they will release the aroma more quickly. Of course, avoid crushing them excessively during the maceration, otherwise they will leave a bitter taste in the drink.
  5. Fill a wide-mouthed glass with crushed ice. Press the edge with your hand to make sure it is compact.
  6. Fill the rest of the glass with 1 soda. Mix with a long spoon using a rolling motion. All the ingredients must be well integrated and must be distributed evenly by the drink.
  7. Finally, decorate with lemon slices.

Yield for 1.

Non-alcoholic strawberry mojito

Have you been left wanting more types of non-alcoholic mojitos? Well, don’t worry, here’s another idea for flavored mojitos, and this time with strawberries. Very refreshing and delicious! That being said, arrange the necessary ingredients and observe the following step by step of this recipe:


  1. Wash 4 lemons and 200 gr of strawberries very well.
  2. Add 4 ice cubes to each glass and reserve. So when you add the cocktail, the glass will be very cold.
  3. Mash the strawberries with 4 teaspoons of sugar until you get a paste. For this, put the ingredients in a mortar or in the glass after it is cold and crush them there.
  4. Add a handful of mint leaves (about 60 leaves) and 2 quartered lemons. Crush well but without mistreating the mint leaves. Once crushed, let the mixture rest for 2 minutes, so it will concentrate.
  5. Discard the excess water from the glasses and add the mortar mix divided in 4.Add more ice if you consider it necessary and pour 1 bottle of soda into each glass in a circular fashion.
  6. Garnish the preparation with the thin slices of 2 lemons.

Yields for 4 diners.

Red fruit mojito with chipotle

The recipe that we propose has a magnificent balance between citrus, sweet and spicy. Without a doubt, this drink contains the perfect ingredients for an irresistible and original mojito. In addition, you can have it ready in a few minutes by putting into practice the following steps:


  1. Add the following ingredients to a large bowl or mortar:1 strawberry in thirds, 2 blackberries, 2 raspberries, 3 blueberries, and ¼ cup mint (in leaves).
  2. Then, add the following ingredients:3 tablespoons of lemon juice (seedless), 1 tablespoon of chipotle in adobo and 3 tablespoons of brown sugar.
  3. Crush the preparation with the pestle until it is a thick paste. Let the preparation rest for 10 minutes, so the aromas and flavors will concentrate.
  4. In a glass place in order:2 tablespoons of the puree or macerated red fruit paste, enough ice, ¼ cup orange juice, ¼ cup cranberry juice and 2 ounces of white rum (60 ml). Mix the preparation with a spoon, preferably elongated.
  5. Finally, pour enough tonic water and garnish. Insert the red fruits on a skewer and put it in the drink. Add the water slowly and in a circular way, so you will maintain the gas for longer.

Makes 1

Tip: for this recipe, preferably use an old fashion glass.

Cucumber mojito

A good mojito always works in hot weather, although if it is a cucumber one, it is doubly refreshing. Now, if we want this mojito or any other, not to be bitter, it never hurts to take into account the following tips: place the lime or lemon before the sugar and cut the ends of the lemon, before dividing it in half, If possible, remove the white center of the lemon or use only the juice. Eliminate the seeds of the lemon and use fresh mint or spearmint, never oxidized. Do not crush the aromatic leaves or do it very little (preferably just hit them with the palm, one time)? Use good ice and good quality rum.

Do you want to put these tricks into practice? Try our most refreshing recipe for flavored mojitos by following the steps below:


  1. In a tall glass, mash 1 long cucumber (approximately 5 cm), 10 mint leaves and 1-2 teaspoons of sugar. Give it until the cucumber is well crushed. Mix everything during the process, but without excessively mistreating the mint leaf, as this can make the drink bitter.
  2. Add ice to fill the glass. Next, add the juice of 1 medium limeand 45 ml of rum.
  3. Fill with sparkling water. Serve with a straw (straw), preferably large.

Makes 1

Tip: 1-3 tablespoons of sugar is the ideal measure to sweeten a drink. And if you feel like sweeter, you can add more.

Mango mojito

If you like mojito recipes with a special touch, consider this proposal: mango mojito. This fruit is great with this cocktail, as its flavor combines citrus and sweet in the same bite. Of course, you should know that there are varieties of mango, some have more citrus flavors and others have a sweeter taste. Have you already thought about the drinks for your next celebration? Follow these easy steps:


  1. Wash fruits and herbs very well.
  2. Mash 4-5 mango pieces (peeled), ½ quartered or sliced ​​lime, 6 mint or spearmint leaves, and 1-2 teaspoons of sugar (white or brown). Crush until you have a very fine mango paste and everything is well mixed. Use a cocktail pestle or mortar pestle during the process.
  3. Add 100 ml sparkling water and mash a little more. Make sure the sugar is fully dissolved.
  4. Pour in 40-60 ml of white rum and then add the ice. You choose if you place it in cubes or chopped (slush).
  5. Decorate and put a straw on it. Add whatever you fancy, mango chunks, lime slices, mint leaves, etc.

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