Fitness Cheesecake Recipe

The healthy cheesecake consists of a very simple and light preparation to prepare. Also, this recipe contains ingredients that we can easily find. You should also know that this cake is rich in protein and contains little fat if you use ingredients that say so. An ideal light cheesecake to give yourself a treat and thus not give up a dessert. On the other hand, it is accompanied with fruits, thus making it healthier. To provide the sweet spot to the cake we have added erythritol, since we wanted to prepare a cheesecake without sugar, however, if you prefer you can add sugar, with 2-3 tablespoons it will be enough if you do not like it very sweet. You can also put a few drops of sweetener.

In this article we teach you how to make fitness cheesecake without an oven. It is prepared without the need to turn on the oven!

Ingredients to make Fitness Cheesecake:

  • 250 grams of light cream cheese
  • 400 grams of yogurt
  • 6 gelatin sheets
  • 1 dessert spoon of vanilla essence
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sweetener, stevia, erythritol.
  • 50 milliliters of soy milk, almond…
  • 300 grains of mixed fruits

How to make Fitness Cheesecake:

  1. To start with the fitness cheesecake or fitness cheesecake recipe, first add the gelatin sheets in a bowl covered with cold water.
  2.  Leave about 10 minutes, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. In a bowl, add the spreadable cheese and the yogurts, which can be creamy or Greek.
  4. Next, mix well with a mixer or by hand until it is a smooth cream.
  5. Add a teaspoon of vanilla aroma and mix well so that it acquires all the flavor.
  6. Add the 50ml. of milk and heat in the microwave for a few seconds.
  7.  Next, add the sugar to the hot milk so that it dissolves well.
  8. Also drain the gelatin sheets and add them to the glass of hot milk to dissolve, they should be well dissolved.
  9. Add the glass of milk to the whipped cream and mix very well so that all the ingredients are well integrated.
  10. Acquire a detachable mold of 18-20 cm. to spread with butter.
  11. Next, line the base with parchment paper so that it peels off well.
  12. Add the cream, smooth the surface well and place the mold in the fridge for 3-4 hours or until serving time.
  13. Tip: if you wish, you can prepare the fit cheesecake with gelatin overnight.
  14. When serving, add the healthy cheesecake to a bowl and accompany it with assorted fruits.
  15. To eat! Tell us in the comments your opinion and share with us a photograph of the final result.


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