Fish Tacos Recipe

Fish tacos are a delicious Mexican appetizer, originating in Baja California, although they can be easily found in seafood restaurants in almost all of Mexico. This dish consists of a corn tortilla stuffed with fish, which is cooked in batter and fried. Flour, egg, salt and mineral water or beer are usually used for battering fish; in some places it is also seasoned with some spices such as paprika, oregano and cumin. All this is accompanied with shredded cabbage, avocado, lemon and red sauce, chile de arbol or habanero, but it can also be tasted with mayonnaise or some other seafood dressing.

You will have no problem preparing this fish tacos recipe! Although normally the fish that is used is sea bass, you can always substitute it with something else such as sierra, red snapper or grouper. In any case, keep reading and discover how to make fish tacos following the original Mexican recipe.

Ingredients to make Fish Tacos:

  • 500 grams of fish fillet
  • 2 cups of mineral water or beer
  • 2 cups of wheat flour (280 grams)
  • ½ cup of cornstarch (62½ grams)
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of garlic powder
  • 500 milliliters of vegetable oil
  • Corn tortillas

To accompany:

  • 1 avocado
  • 1 piece of white or purple cabbage
  • 1 lemon
  • Sauce to taste

How to make Fish Tacos:

To start the Mexican fish tacos recipe, cut the fish fillet into strips, season with a little salt to taste, a pinch of black pepper and a pinch of garlic powder, mix and let stand for 10 minutes. Remember that, if you don’t have sea bass, you can make, for example, fish tacos with hake or any other fish you like.

Trick: the size of the strips can be from 2 to 3 centimeters.

While the fish rests, prepare the mixture for the batter. In a bowl, mix the wheat flour, the cornstarch, the salt and a little garlic powder. This last ingredient will give the fish tacos an extra flavor, but you can always add any spice that you like. Add the mineral water or beer and mix until you get a light texture. If the mixture feels too thick, add a little more mineral water or beer. Heat enough oil in a pot. While the oil is heating, pass the fish strips through the previous mixture to coat them.

Tip: Use a large pot to deep fry.

When the oil is hot, fry the fish for a few seconds or until you notice that it is golden. Then, remove it from the oil and let it rest in a container with absorbent paper to remove excess fat.

Assemble your fish tacos with your hot tortillas, so add one or two strips of already fried fish, add shredded cabbage, a few slices of avocado and enjoy with a rich sauce.

Sauces for fish tacos and other accompaniments

Battered fish tacos are ideal for a snack on a hot day. If you don’t know what sauce to use to enhance the flavor of your tacos, we recommend the best ones below:

  • Red taco sauce
  • Molcajete sauce
  • Sour cream

You can also accompany them with soy sauce, with a fresh lettuce salad or some delicious pickled slices. You can even prepare a dressing with mayonnaise, double cream cheese and chipotle, so you will have a dip to accompany your breaded fish tacos.

As mentioned in the recipe, you can prepare the batter with mineral water or beer. If you choose beer, we recommend using dark beer, since they are very tasty. Of course, do not forget to enjoy these fish tacos with a good drink such as beer, a soda or a delicious fresh water.

Dare to prepare this recipe because it is practical and simple. In addition, you can take the tacos everywhere, making it a good option for lunch at the office or school, even for a picnic or an afternoon at the beach.

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