Fish sucker recipe

Fish sucker is a delicious Peruvian soup. The word chupe comes from the word “chuwa misa” which means deep plate in Quechua. It can be made with chicken, fish and beef. This delicious soup is based on panca peppers and a sauce of onion with garlic. In addition, there are variations with pallares, broad beans, chickpeas, olluco, green, squash and wheat. The fish sucker is a typical soup that is consumed in the Huarachicuy or Warachikuy festivities, in this celebration the step that young people experience when they become adults is celebrated.

Ingredients to make Fish Chupe:

  • 4 fish fillets
  • 1 splash of vegetable oil
  • 1 medium red onion
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 1 corn or corn
  • 4 tablespoons of ají amarillo paste
  • 1 pinch of cumin
  • 1½ liters of fish stock or water
  • 1 piece of dried oregano
  • 2 medium white potatoes
  • ½ cup of peas
  • 1 branch of huacatay
  • 1 cup white rice
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 splash of evaporated milk

How to make fish sucker:

  1. To start with the Peruvian fish chupe recipe, you must first cut the onion into small squares and the fresh cheese into medium squares.
  2. With the help of a knife, cut the fish into thick pieces or fillets. Season with salt and pepper and reserve in the refrigerator.
  3. Pass the tomato through boiling water and cut the bottom part of it in the shape of a cross. After 10 seconds, peel it and cut it into small squares. booking.
  4. In a medium saucepan add a splash of oil. Sauté the onion with the garlic and the yellow chili paste.
  5. Trick: Add a pinch of salt
  6. Add half a liter of fish stock or water and stir with the help of a spoon. Add a pinch of cumin and pepper.
  7. Add the diced tomato and a pinch of dried oregano.
  8. Add all the fish stock (1 liter) and cook over medium heat. Also add 1 branch of huacatay
  9. After 5 minutes, add the potatoes cut into medium squares, the peas and the sliced ​​corn.
  10. In a skillet over high heat, seal the fish pieces on both sides and reserve
  11. When the vegetables are cooked, add half a cup of cooked white rice.
  12. Add the fish pieces very carefully to the pot. Cover and cook for approximately 5 minutes.
  13. Very carefully add the eggs one by one. Cook approximately 6 minutes.
  14. Remove the pot from the heat and add a splash of milk. You should also add the fresh cheese in squares.
  15. Serve hot and enjoy !

Nutritional value of fish sucker

Fish sucker is a great source of vitamin B12, A, D, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and calcium. Also, this dish provides few calories in the diet suitable for people with cholesterol problems. The fish sucker is an excellent option for a cold day in winter. We note that the fish bottom can be replaced by water

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