Fish pate recipe with Thermo mix

The Thermo mix fish pâté recipe is a gourmet recipe that includes a mixture of such select ingredients as anchovies and truffles, an exotic and exquisite combination.

At this article, we help you get the most out of your Thermo mix with recipes of all kinds, from simple and simple dishes such as pea cream to dishes with more original flavors, such as this exclusive seafood pâté made with tuna, anchovies and truffle. Keep reading, prepare the recipe and tell us how it went… you will surely surprise all your guests with this special appetizer.

Ingredients to make Fish Pate with Thermo mix:

• 250 grams of Butter

• 350 grams of tuna in oil

• 100 grams of smoked salmon

• 50 grams of anchovies

• ½ cup brandy

• 20 grams of gelatin in sheets

• 1 Truffle with its broth

• 1 pinch of white pepper

• 2 teaspoons of green pepper

• 1 teaspoon dried mint

How to make Fish Pate with Thermo mix:

Before starting with the preparation of our seafood pâté we must put the gelatin sheets in a little water to soften them.

Place the truffle broth together with the tuna oil and the brandy in the Thermo mix glass. Program for 2 minutes at 60º on speed 2 and when the machine is finished, add the soft gelatin, previously drained, along with half a cup of the soaking water. Shred everything at speed 5.

Keep the Thermo mix on speed 2, without time, and add the butter, the truffle and the rest of the ingredients through the mouthpiece, except the mint and a tablespoon of green pepper.

To finish grinding everything, raise the speed to 9 and help yourself with the spatula to lower everything that is stuck to the walls of the glass. The result should be a fine cream. Add the mint and the other tablespoon of green pepper, use the spatula to mix and rectify the seasoning if you consider it necessary.

On the other hand, line a jelly mold with transparent kitchen paper and pour all the mixture of the seafood pâté inside. Reserve in the fridge for at least 12 hours, from one day to the next and the next day you can unmold. You can accompany the fish pâté with Thermo mix with a little homemade red fruit jam such as blueberries or raspberries and of course, some crackers or toast.

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