Fish meatballs in green sauce recipe

If you are looking for a recipe to learn how to prepare easy fish balls, you have arrived at where you had to arrive, because the recipe that I share below is a simple preparation, full of flavor and with a very elegant presentation, such as I like it.

These fish meatballs in green sauce are a great dish to get out of the routine, you will see that with this recipe you will discover a new way of eating hack. Homemade meatballs stewed with a delicious garlic and parsley sauce, the ideal combination to enjoy all the flavor of fish. I hope you enjoy it!

Ingredients to make Fish Meatballs in Green Sauce:

  • 500 grams of Hake
  • 1 egg
  • 100 milliliters of milk
  • 1 cup of breadcrumbs
  • olive oil
  • flower
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 bunch of Parsleys
  • 1 onion
  • fish soup

How to make Fish Meatballs in Green Sauce:

  1. To make these homemade fish balls we have decided to work with hake, but if you prefer you can use any other type of white fish or even combine it with some prawns.
  2. Taking this into account, the first step will be to finely cut the hake loin; the idea is to obtain a kind of ground hake meat.
  3. Place this in a bowl and mix with some fresh parsley and a clove of garlic, both also finely chopped. To give consistency to the fish mass, add the egg and breadcrumbs with a little milk. The idea is to form malleable dough to be able to form the meatballs.
  4. Now, knead and form the balls that will be the fish balls. When you have them ready, pass each of them through a plate with enough wheat flour to cover them completely.
  5. Heat plenty of oil in a deep pan and then fry the fish balls until golden brown on all sides. Reserve on absorbent paper to remove excess oil.
  6. To prepare the green sauce, finely chop the onion and place it in a frying pan with a few drops of oil. Cook until they start to turn translucent and then add the rest of the garlic and parsley. Go moving the preparation for a couple of minutes.
  7. Then add the wine and continue cooking over medium heat until the alcohol evaporates, then add the fish broth and lower the flame to a minimum. Cook the sauce for 10 minutes.
  8. Now to finish our meatballs in green sauce, place the meatballs in the pan with the sauce and let it finish reducing the sauce with the meatballs inside for about 5 minutes. Check the seasoning and you’re done.
  9. Serve the freshly made fish balls in green sauce and accompany with some white rice or couscous with vegetables to dip with the sauce and bon appetite!

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