Fish macum recipe

Ingredients to make fish macum:

  • Fish of approx one kg
  • Three tomatoes
  • An onion
  • An xcatic chile (guero)
  • A sweet chili
  • 3 parsley branches
  • Olive oil
  • Half annats cube
  • Juice of 5 sour oranges
  • 2 banana leaves
  • 2 cloths of garlic

How to make fish macum:

  1. Put a bed made with a banana leaf in a pot, that is, it is passed in the fire, without burning it, just to remove the resin, it is dark green and soft, without the branch in the middle, separately, it is so fried in olive oil and cut in slices, tomato, onion, sweet chili, chile xcatic…
  2. Separately, in the juice of 5 sour oranges, blend it with the an not and the garlic clothes, ads a little water to the blender and salt to taste, which is enough to cover the fish…
  3. Done this, on the bed of banana leaf, put part of the frying, on top put the clean fish, without gills or scales, then on top you put another layer of the frying, at the end you add the liquefied and the branches of parsley and cover it with another seasoned banana leaf…
  4. Cover the pot and leave it to cook for about 20 minutes to half an hour, when i check that the fish is already ready (soften the meat that comes off the bone).
  5. Enjoy it accompanied with a pico de gallo (tomato, onion and habanero chili chopped in dices)…

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