Fish Garlic Recipe

On this occasion you will learn to make a traditional recipe from Spain, fish garlic. It is a very simple and tasty preparation at the same time, based on marinated river fish and cooked with a garlic sauce. Do you want to know the step by step? Keep reading and cook this spectacular dish.

Ingredients to make Fish Garlic:

  • 4 pieces of river fish (200 g each)
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 bunch of Cilantro
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of Pimento de la Vera (sweet and spicy)
  • flower
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1 piece of Settled Bread (made days ago)

How to make Garlic Fish:

  1. I prefer to use black bass for this fish recipe, but you can use whatever river fish you like. The first thing we must do is scale the fish, extract the entrails, wash them very well and make transversal cuts of about 2 cm. They are left in a bowl.
  2. Immediately afterwards, put the bread, coriander, peeled garlic, paprika and bay leaf in a mortar. We mash everything well and, once crushed; we move the mortar circularly with our hand and gradually add the olive oil.
  3. When we have formed a paste with the previous ingredients, pour it over the fish, adding salt to taste and covering them well with your hands to soak them everywhere in the mixture. Let macerate for approximately 15 minutes.
  4. We put oil to fry in a pan and put it on the fire. Flour the marinated fish and fry them on both sides when the oil is hot. When they are golden, we transfer them to a deep tray, or the serving container that we have on hand.
  5. Separately, we put a casserole over medium-low heat with the white wine and the leftover garlic preparation that we made to marinate the fish. Let cook for approximately 10 minutes.
  6. After the time has elapsed, we pass the sauce through a strainer, pour it over the fish and that’s it. We can enjoy this exquisite and simple fish garlic recipe in winter, although we can also taste it in summer by putting the dish in the fridge and eating it cold.

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