Fish broth with shrimp recipe

The fish broth with shrimp is one of the characteristic dishes of the coastal cities, since in these it is easier and cheaper to acquire its ingredients, especially in the state of Veracruz. In addition to shrimp, pieces of fish are added to this broth, which gives the dish a great consistency and flavor.

Likewise, its preparation is popular for being simple, practical and very fast, and it is perfect for a meeting for the soccer final with friends on a hot afternoon and accompanied by ice-cold beers, for example. That is why this time we bring you a simple but delicious preparation of a rich fish broth, an exquisite and practical Veracruz-style fish and shrimp broth.

We invite you to stay with us and together we will prepare this delicious Mexican dish step by step with which you will leave everyone with their mouths open and wanting more.

Ingredients to make fish broth with shrimp:

  • ½ kilogram of shrimp
  • 5 Tilapia fillets
  • 4 pieces of Potato in squares
  • ½ kilogram of sliced ​​carrot
  • 6 pieces of guerilla chili
  • 2 pieces of Chile de arbol
  • 1 sprig of cilantro
  • ½ sliced ​​onion
  • 3 pieces of Garlic
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make fish broth with shrimp:

  1. In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare our exquisite fish broth with shrimp.
  2. To begin, we will clean the guajillo peppers very well, under a stream of water, then we open them and remove the seeds and veins completely, and once clean, we place them in hot water and let them soften for 5 minutes. We also do this with the tree chilies.
  3. Once the chilies are soft, place them in the blender along with the garlic, a pinch of salt and water. Blend until a smooth sauce is obtained. We reserve a moment.
  4. On the other hand, place the oil in a saucepan and once hot, add the sliced ​​onion and let it fry until transparent.
  5. Once the onion is transparent, add the sauce that we formed a moment ago. Helping us with a strainer at the time of pouring, we strain it, and once this is ready, we add much more water to the saucepan, since this will be our broth.
  6. Once our broth boiled, add the carrots and let them cook for 5 minutes over medium heat.
  7. After this time we add the potato, the cilantro and the tilapia fillets cut into medium pieces, and let it all cook together, stirring to perfectly integrate all the ingredients of the rich fish broth.
  8. Once the potato is cooked and finally, we add the shrimp that can be with or without shell, depending on your taste, and let them cook for approximately 4 more minutes.
  9. Once our rich fish broth with shrimp has boiled, we can serve it and accompany it with a delicious toasted bouillon.

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