Fish broth recipe

In this new easy recipe I want to show you how to make fish broth or fumet. With this recipe we will take advantage of fish heads, bones and remains that we always keep in the freezer, the result is a concentrated preparation that will serve us not only to drink as a soup and comfort ourselves, but we can also freeze it and use it to prepare more elaborate recipes.

You can also use this fish broth for paella to prepare other types of rice with fish and shellfish, you decide how to use it

Ingredients to make fish broth:

  • 1 monkfish head
  • ½ kilogram of Morrala (diverse rock fish)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 large red tomato
  • 1 bunch of Parsley
  • 3 strands of hair saffron
  • 1½ liters of water
  • 1 small glass of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt

How to make fish broth:

  1. We locate a large saucepan to make our fish broth or fumet and start with the sofrito.
  2. Add a good splash of olive oil and heat while peeling and julienne the onion and leek. When we have them and the oil is already hot, we put them in the pan and fry them well.
  3. Peel the tomato, also cut it into julienne strips and add it to the pan with a little salt. We continue frying until everything is well poached.
  4. Next, add the fish together with the water, let it boil for about 30 minutes, taste the salt and add the chopped saffron.
  5. The remains of fish will give a unique flavor to the fish broth, in this way your dishes will have an authentic homemade flavor.
  6. We let it rest for a while and strain it, discarding the vegetables and the remains of the fish and leaving only the liquid. You see the result, a delicious fish broth that he gave me to prepare a wonderful rice with clams that I will publish shortly, he also gave me to freeze some extra pot of broth.

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