Fish and seafood stew recipe

Fish and seafood stew recipe

Fish and seafood stew recipe

The fish and seafood stew is a traditional stew from Spain full of flavor. In each community it is prepared in a different way, but the base of the recipe is always the same. However, on this occasion we have opted for the Austrian fish and shellfish stew, which differs from the Galician one in that, for example, it does not include peas. It is a hearty and complete dish that can be made with the fish that we like the most, as long as it has tough meat such as conger eel, monkfish or hake.

It is important to note that to get a good stew; the ingredients must be of good quality, since the flavor is noticeable when the product is good. Fish broth is also better to make at home with fish bones and shrimp shells. Without a doubt, this is a perfect dish for a family celebration, a meal with friends or for Christmas. Stay and discover with us how to make the best fish and seafood stew.

Ingredients to make fish and seafood stew:Fish and seafood stew recipe

  • 1 kilogram of fish (monkfish, hake, conger…)
  • 12 prawns
  • 1 cuttlefish
  • 1 handful of mussels
  • 1 handful of clams
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 150 grams of fried tomato
  • 150 milliliters of white wine
  • 5 tablespoons of flour
  • 1 liter of fish broth
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • 1 bag of fish bones
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make fish and seafood stew:

First, prepare the fish broth. To do so, in a pot place the fish bones, some shrimp shells and heads, a peeled onion, some peeled garlic cloves and a few sprigs of parsley. Cook everything for 20 minutes over medium heat. Once it is ready, strain it and reserve the broth. The onion and garlic can be saved to prepare a sauce, for example.

To make the fish and seafood stew, heat a large saucepan with a splash of oil. Pass the pieces of fish in the flour and fry them in the hot oil over high heat for 1 minute on each side. Take them out and save them.

Sauté the prawns and reserve them. You can put a few with shells and others peeled, since you will have used the shells and heads for the broth.

In the same pan, add a little more oil and let it heat up. In the meantime, peel the potatoes, cut them into 1 cm thick slices and add them to fry a little. Cut the cuttlefish into pieces and add it too. Peel the onion, chop it into very small pieces, add it to the pan and cook everything until the onion is poached.

Incorporate the fried tomato, stir well and pour the white wine. Let it reduce the alcohol in the wine for a few minutes.

Add the liter of broth and cook the fish and seafood stew until the potatoes are almost tender.

Halfway through cooking, add the clams and mussels.

When the potatoes are tender, add the pieces of fish and let everything cook for 5 minutes. Finally, add the prawns on top, cook for a couple more minutes and turn off the heat.

Let the fish and seafood stew rest and serve it hot. Although this is a laborious recipe because it includes several steps, you will see that you will have a fish and shellfish stew with potatoes that will suck your fingers. All your guests will want to repeat!

With what to accompany the fish and seafood stew with potatoes

Without a doubt, the best accompaniment for this fish and seafood stew is a good slice of bread, since the preparation has so many flavors that it does not need anything else. For this, we recommend the loaf bread or the peasant bread.

However, if you want to serve an appetizer or starter beforehand, we advise you to choose mild flavors, such as a green salad , that do not overshadow the incredible flavor of the stew.

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