Fig Tart Recipe

The aroma of figs at the end of summer is fragrant, it does not go unnoticed when we walk through parks or gardens and pass in front of a fig tree with beautiful green leaves and its figs in full bloom… To take advantage of all the benefits of this fruit in its best season, it is normal that we look for different recipes with it, like this delicious cake.

In this article we are going to present you with a tremendously exquisite and easy-to-prepare recipe. It is worth entertaining your loved ones with this delicious and elegant dessert, because this cake is to take off your hat. If you feel like trying it, keep reading and discover with us how to make easy fig tart and don’t hesitate to tell us what you think.

Ingredients to make Fig Tart:

  • 8 figs
  • 1 sheet of short crust or short crust pastry
  • 50 grams of brown sugar
  • 50 grams of white sugar
  • 1 brick of 35% fat cream
  • 500 grams of mascarpone or, failing that, cream cheese
  • 2 dessert spoons of vanilla essence
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup of chickpeas or lentils to cover the short crust pastry

How to make Fig Tart:

  1. Clean the figs, drain them and dry them. Then, cut each piece into quarters without removing the skin.
  2. Since this is a natural fig tart in which the seasonal fruit is used, even the skin is good. However, if you prefer, you can remove it.
  3. Heat the oven with heat up and down to 200 ºC.
  4. Grease the mold that you are going to use to make the fig tart with butter or oil and cover the base and the walls with the short crust pastry.
  5. Shape with your fingers so that the dough is fully adapted.
  6.  You can buy the ready-made dough to make the recipe faster or prepare your own homemade short crust pastry.
  7. You can also make the fig and puff pastry tart if you prefer. To do this, do not miss this puff pastry recipe.
  8. Tip: our mold is 25 cm in diameter.
  9. Prick the entire base of the dough with a fork to prevent it from swelling.
  10. Beat an egg and brush the entire surface up to the edges, this will give it a nice golden color and more waterproof.
  11. Spread the brown sugar all over the dough and the edges to give it an extra point of flavor at the same time that you will get it to caramelize and, therefore, the dough does not soften when it is already filled.
  12. Introduce baking paper inside the base and cut it so that it is the right size
  13. On the sheet of baking paper, place chickpeas or lentils to act as a counterweight and prevent the dough from swelling in the oven.
  14. Bake the dough for 15 minutes in the center of the oven
  15. Whip the cream approximately half assembled, add the white sugar little by little and without stopping beating.
  16. Then add the mascarpone and integrate it with a spatula or kitchen tongue, making enveloping movements.
  17. Tip: remember that you can replace the mascarpone with cream cheese.
  18. Add the liquid vanilla and continue stirring very carefully.
  19. This will be the cream that you will use to fill the fig tart, you can see how easy it is to prepare.
  20. Once you have the dough already prepared and golden, remove the chickpeas and the parchment paper sheet.
  21. Then, fill the cake with the mascarpone mixture, spreading the cream all over the base. Let it cool in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
  22. When the filling is cold, place the figs on the tart. You can put them as you see in the photograph or to your liking.
  23. Now you have your fig cake assembled. For those with a sweet tooth, sprinkle a few pinches of white sugar over the cake.
  24. Do not hesitate for a moment to try this magnificent recipe for fig tart with short crust pastry. To eat!


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