Fig Cream Recipe

Together with this article, we will show you how to prepare a fig cream with only 3 ingredients that you surely have at home. You can use it as a dessert or for an original snack, although it can also be the base of a more elaborate cake. At the end of the recipe you will find different options for you to enjoy this original preparation with one of the richest and most fiber-filled fruits, as well as ingredient replacements and more ideas so that you don’t stop trying it.

Learn how to make this high protein dessert, with only 170 calories per serving, which will be suitable for those looking to lose weight, have diabetes or are looking to eat healthy. It is also ideal for incorporating fruit into the diet of children or those who are more reluctant to eat them fresh. Continue reading to learn how to make this fig cream recipe and don’t miss the other variants that we propose at the end. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Fig Cream:

  • 2 figs
  • 30 grams of lean ricotta
  • 30 cubic centimeters of light milk cream

How to make Fig Cream:

  1. The first step in this recipe involves washing and quartering the fig.
  2. Process it with the ricotta until you get a cream.
  3. You can process it more or less, depending on the consistency you like best.
  4. You can also process only half of the fruit and leave the other whole to add it in small pieces.
  5. Be sure to have an extra fig to decorate your dessert, if you wish.
  6. On the other hand, beat the cream with the mixer at maximum power until it is assembled.
  7. Keep in mind that, as it is a cream with less fat because it is light, it will take longer to beat than a classic one.
  8. Mix the whipped cream with the processed figs with the ricotta, making enveloping movements. Thus, the fig cream will not lose consistency.
  9. Present the fig cream in a glass, glass with an extra spoonful of whipped cream and a few fruit wedges.
  10. You can refrigerate it beforehand to make it richer or you can even freeze it and serve it as ice cream. Enjoy it!


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