Fiber Arepas Recipe

Arepas with a lot of fiber, good for digestion and light breakfasts. The ingredients are to preference and to taste, the measures are by cups of any measure.

Arepas are a typical dish of the gastronomy of Colombia and Venezuela, where corn flour is a very present ingredient in the basic diet. In this article, you will find recipes for various types of Venezuelan arepas such as the famous pepiada queen or the also known, Colombian egg arepas.

Keep reading this recipe and pamper your body by enjoying a breakfast of champions with fiber arepas.

Ingredients to make fiber Arepas:

  • 1 cup of corn flour (120 grams)
  • 1 cup oatmeal flakes
  • 1 cup of Wheat Bran or Bran
  • ½ cup ground flaxseed
  • 1 pinch of salt to taste
  • Water
  • Oil to spread

How to make Fiber Arepas:

Combine all the flours in a container large enough to then knead. Place the water until it covers the surface and let the water go down or dry in the dough so that no lumps arise.  Start kneading until the dough of the fiber arepas is homogeneous. Divide the dough into equal parts, in the form of balls, and lay them on a plastic, spread with a little oil so that they do not adhere to the plastic. Place the dough on a parchment or baking paper and cook in a preheated oven at 150ºC. For 15-20 minutes. Enjoy the fiber arepas fresh from the oven and serve them for breakfast along with a little margarine, turkey ham or avocado, remember that the filling of the arepas is to taste.

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