Fennel Puree Recipe

This time, we will make a very easy and flavorful recipe: fennel puree. This wild plant has carbohydrates, as well as proteins and fiber. It is a good complement in slimming diets because it helps speed up the digestion of fatty foods.

For the purée, the part of the fennel bulb is used. It is characterized by its sweet flavor, similar to anise. This purée is an excellent accompaniment to fish and meat, so you can easily incorporate it into your recipes. Read on and discover how to make fennel puree easily and with only 3 ingredients.

Ingredients to make Fennel Puree:

  • 1 fennel
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • Salt and pepper

How to make Fennel Puree:

Cut the fennel into slices. Steam it for about 15-20 minutes. If you don’t have a steamer, you can use a pot with a strainer. If you do it like this, put a lot of water in the pot so that it doesn’t evaporate and burn the pot. Put the lid on.

Once cooked, mash or process the fennel into a puree. Finally, add the oil, salt, pepper and the seasonings that you like. Mix well and enjoy your fennel puree.

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