Fennel and Tangerine Salad Recipe

The fennel and mandarin salad is an ideal fresh salad for summer days. The truth is that this dish that comes to us from Covina con Luz Verde has a mixture of exquisite flavors: sweet, salty and bitter. A combination that will also provide us with vitamins and proteins without having to make a lot of mess in the kitchen.

Go ahead and keep reading because the fennel salad in tangerine cream with lemon in syrup is a gourmet recipe that you cannot miss, we assure you that it will be at the top of your list of light salads.

Ingredients to make Fennel and Tangerine Salad:

• 1 fennel bulb

• 1 pinch of salt

• 2 units of Lemon

• 1 dash of mild olive oil

• 30 grams of sugar

• 100 milliliters of water

• Tangerine cream

• 200 grams of white beans

• 1 tangerine

• 1 jet of olive oil

How to make Fennel and Tangerine Salad:

Before you start preparing this fennel salad, the first thing you should do is prepare the ingredients. Then, cut the fennel bulb into thin slices, the idea is to get a julienne cut or rings.

Also squeeze the juice from one of the lemons and reserve the other for the preparation of syrup. Cut the tangerine in half and extract the juice from one and keep the peel from the other and discard the seeds.

Place the fennel strips in a salad bowl along with the chopped fennel leaves. Season with a pinch of salt, lemon juice and a little olive oil.

To make the lemon in syrup, start by cutting the fruit into thick slices, removing the ends. Transfer this to a case with the water and sugar and cook over medium-high heat until the syrup begins to boil. The process should take about 15-20 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it cool to room temperature.

Tip: Turn the lemon slices over during cooking so they are shiny on both sides

To make the tangerine cream, place all the ingredients on the list in the blender or blender. Remember that one half of the mandarin is in juice and the other, whole without seeds. Beat until you get a thick textured cream and add more juice if you consider it necessary.

Tip: The trick of this recipe is in the bitter taste provided by the tangerine skin, but you can reduce it to taste.

Place a cream base on each plate, top with the fennel strips and decorate with a slice of lemon in syrup. The fennel and mandarin salad is a delight and it is ready to be enjoyed. Take advantage!

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