Falafel Burger Recipe

Falafel is a traditional recipe of Arab cuisine, a mixture of crushed chickpeas along with other ingredients that we detail below. This recipe is very attractive due to its characteristic flavors and its great nutritional value, ideal for those seeking a conscious diet free of ingredients of animal origin. It is also a great alternative to consider when we think about feeding the little ones in the home.

Wondering how to make a falafel burger we provide you with all the steps you must follow to make this dish. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Falafel Burger:

  • 300 grams of chickpeas
  • 150 grams of onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon coriander
  • 1 tablespoon of parsley
  • 100 grams of chickpea flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • cumin
  • Garlic
  • Cahuilla salt
  • 2 dashes of vegetable oil

How to make Falafel Burger:

  1. To start with the falafel burger recipe, you must first soak the chickpeas the day before, I recommend doing it with hot water.
  2. Gather and clean all the ingredients.
  3. Trick: drain the chickpeas that you left hydrating the day before and reserve a little of the remaining liquid.
  4. In a food processor or blender, grind the chickpeas, the chopped onion, the peeled and deveined garlic, and the parsley and coriander leaves.
  5. Stir in cumin, chickpea flour, baking powder, salt, and pepper.
  6. You must blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  7. With your hands you must shape the Arab hamburgers and take them to the refrigerator for approximately 15 minutes.
  8. In this step I usually include a little whole oats to replace the panko and breadcrumbs. The veggie burgers are almost ready!
  9. Trick: oatmeal is a super food that provides our body with vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, among other benefits.
  10. In a frying pan, fry the hamburgers that you have prepared until golden brown.
  11. Serve these falafel burgers accompanied by sweet and sour mustard sauce. Let’s eat!
  12. With what to accompany the falafel burgers
  13. To accompany these delicious chickpea burgers you can complement them with simple and tasty dishes such as hummus of chickpeas or spiced kebab.
  14. In addition, for dessert you can enjoy a pistachio and honey cake together with a tea served in the typical Turkish tulip-shaped cups. Middle East in our own home!


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