Extremadura Orange Salad Recipe

Extremadura orange salad consists of a fresh preparation with two star ingredients: orange and cod. A recipe with a delicious contrast that serves as a starter or as a single dish. You should also know that this salad is a classic of Andalusia cuisine, on this occasion; it is made from Extremadura, Spain. However, depending on the community, different ingredients are added.

We teach you how to make Extremadura orange salad. Keep reading!

Ingredients to make Extremadura orange salad:

  1. 3 oranges
  2. 150 grams of desalted cod
  3. 1 spring onion
  4. 3 eggs
  5. 100 grams of black olives
  6. 1 pinch of salt
  7. 1 splash of olive oil

How to make Extremadura Orange Salad:

  • To start with the Extremadura orange salad recipe, first add the cod soaked for 24 hours, you only have to change it once if you like it to be a little salty. You can also buy it already discounted. Next, add the eggs in a saucepan with plenty of water, let them cook for 10 minutes, they should be hard. Remove them from the water and let them cool.
  • When you have the desalted cod, remove the skin and bones. Next, remove the cod in strips and add a pan with a splash of olive oil over medium heat. Next, add the code and cook for about 3-4 minutes. Turn off and reserve.
  • Peel the eggs and cut them into quarters. Also cut the onion into small pieces.
  • Peel the oranges, remove the skin and the white threads so that it does not bitter the orange and spoil the orange and cod salad from Extremadura. Next, cut the orange into segments or pieces, depending on your taste.
  • Prepare the orange and onion salad. To do this, on a plate or in a bowl, place the orange slices, the onion on top, chop the cod into strips or pieces and add on top of the orange. Next, add the eggs on top of or around the orange pieces.
  • Chop the black olives and place them on top. Then, add the Extremadura salad without dressing in the fridge so that when it is time to serve it is very fresh. Also, when you go to serve it, dress it with a little olive oil and a little salt, without going overboard, since the cod already contains salt. If you like, you can also add a splash of vinegar. Ready to eat the Andalusia orange salad!

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