Express Apple Pie Recipe with Thermomix

Get a wonderful express apple pie with Thermomix with this step-by-step recipe in this article. In just 15 minutes you can prepare it easily and quickly, and then you just have to put it in the oven and wait for it to cook so you have no excuses!

Ingredients to make express apple pie with Thermomix:

  1. 6 apples
  2. 230 ml of milk
  3. 150 g of sugar (or more if you want)
  4. 120 g pastry flour
  5. pastry glitter
  6. Sugar

How to make express apple pie with Thermomix:

  • First we preheat the oven to 180 ºC with heat both above and below.
  • Peel 4 of the 6 apples, remove the core and put them in the mixing bowl for 20 seconds at speed 7.
  • Add the milk and sugar to the glass and program 20 seconds at speed 4.
  • Add the flour and mix for 30 seconds at speed 4 again, or until you see that all the ingredients of the express apple pie with Thermomix are well integrated.
  • Pour the dough into a mold approximately 23 cm in diameter that is removable from the mold (having previously greased it or putting baking paper on it so that the cake does not stick).
  • Garnish the cake on top by cutting the remaining apples into thin slices and sprinkling on top with a little more sugar.
  • Bake the quick cake at 180ºC for an hour or so.

Trick: I took 15 more minutes because I noticed that it was still a little liquid when I pricked it.

  • Once cold, prepare the pastry gloss following the instructions on the package and store the express apple pie with Thermomix in the fridge to finish curdling.

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