Escalivada Mousse Recipe

Ingredients to make Escalivada Mousse:

  • 3 u. Red pepper
  • 2 u. eggplant
  • 1 pc. big Onion
  • 1 dash olive oil
  • 4 u. medium egg
  • 200 ml. liquid cream
  • 4 grinding black pepper
  • Dried basil
  • 10 grams Salt
  • 10 units anchovy in oil
  • Saltine cracker (optional)

How to make Escalivada Mousse:

Roast the vegetables with a stream of oil in a medium-high oven or on a charcoal grill (even better) until golden brown. Temper and peel the peppers, removing the seeds. Reserve the juice.

Crush the vegetables with a blender or food mill and mix with 100 ml of cream, spices, salt and yolks. Whip the egg whites and incorporate just before introducing the mixture into the greased molds (8 flan boxes or a single mould), with olive oil. The mixture should catch air, for which it is usually done with a spatula from the center, lifting towards the ends.

Bake until set. Temper. Plate with a base of very fine roast juice and a trail of liquid cream made with a toothpick in the center. Put mousses aside and garnish with minnows and fresh basil leaves.

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