English Lettuce Sandwich Recipe

Ingredients to make English Lettuce Sandwich:

• 1 loaf of bread

• Olive oil

• Mustard prepared with pepper (it can be bittersweet you put ground pepper and a citron ado garlic in small squares)

• 4 slices of lean meat (marianda and with tenderizer)

• Lettuce leaves to taste

• 1/2 boiled tomato

How to make English Lettuce Sandwich:

Cut the bread. Spread the boiled tomato on the bottom lid. Spread the mustard on the bottom lid. Arrange a bed of lettuce on the bread and bathe the lettuce with olive oil and a little ground pepper. Brown the grilled meat, add a few drops of oil, medium, and place it on the bread. You can or not brown the bread on the griddle or you can enjoy it with cold bread.

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