English apple pie recipe, apple pie

The English apple pie, also known as apple pie, is one of the most famous cakes in confectionery. There are many versions of this cake, however, it should be noted that its origin is English and its preparations are more or less similar. The typical apple pie contains a filling of sliced ​​apples flavored with spices between two dough’s. The upper mass is usually smooth or with a showy lattice.

Whatever your style, in this article we teach you how to make the authentic English apple pie or apple pie with a detailed step by step. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make English apple pie, apple pie:

  • For the mass:
  • 450 grams of common flour
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 125 grams of cold unsalted butter
  • 8 tablespoons of water
  • For the filling:
  • 1 kilogram of sour apples
  • 150 grams of brown sugar
  • 2 dessert spoons of ground cinnamon
  • 2 pinches of nutmeg
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 1 tablespoon of milk for brushing
  • 1 dessert spoon of white sugar for dusting

How to make English apple pie, apple pie:

  1. To start with the English apple pie recipe, first make the dough that will be both in the bottom and to cover the cake.
  2. To do this, in a bowl add the flour along with the 4 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, mix with a spoon.
  3. Chop the cold unsalted butter and mix with your hands, breaking up the butter, stirring well with the flour and sugar.
  4. Add 8 tablespoons of water and mix, first with a spoon and then with your hands until it has a uniform texture.
  5. If you notice that it is very dry, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of more water. There must be a smooth and homogeneous mass, which is manageable, but not excessively elastic or dry.
  6. Shape the dough into a ball and wrap in plastic wrap. Let rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  7. While the dough cools, wash the apples, core them and peel them. Next, he cuts the apple into wedges and, in turn, into not very large cubes.
  8. He places the apple pieces in a bowl along with the brown sugar, the two teaspoons of cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg, about half a teaspoon.
  9. He mixes everything well with a spoon so that the apple pieces are well impregnated with the sugar and spices.
  10. Tip: although cinnamon is essential in this cake, you can replace the nutmeg with other spices, such as ginger or allspice.
  11. After the resting time of the dough, cut a little less than half of the dough. Next, flour a work surface and roll out the dough on it with a rolling pin, also floured.
  12. Provides a rounded and fine shape, there should not be a thick mass.
  13. Grease a pie plate about 26 cm in diameter and spread the dough in it.
  14. Trim the edges if there is a lot left over, but you must leave 1 cm around it to later seal and cover the cake.
  15. Fill the tart with the spiced applesand drizzle the filling with 8 tablespoons of water.
  16. Extend the dough that you had reservedon the work surface and with the roller it provides a rounded shape.
  17. Next, trim the excess dough, but remember to leave an extra 1 centimeter on the sides. Cover the apple pie with this second dough.
  18. Pinch the edges of the dough trying to catch the two masses, the one below and the one above so that it is well sealed. Then, with a sharp knife, cut out a circle in the center of the pie to serve as a chimney and allow the apple filled pie to breathe during baking.
  19. You can leave the apple pie smooth, but if you feel like decorating it, we will tell you how to do it in a simple way.
  20. To do this, you will need a leaf-shaped cookie cutter,or you can even draw the shape on a piece of paper and cut it out to serve as a mold.
  21. Next, spread the excess dough cutouts with the rolling pin and flatten well so that there is not a fat dough.
  22. Cut the cookies in the shape of a leaf and with a sharp knife mark.
  23. Paste the dough sheetswith a little water.
  24. Brush the surface of the cake with milk and place the apple pie in the oven, which must already be preheated, with heat up and down at 200 ºC.
  25. When you put the tart in the oven, reduce the temperature to 180ºC and leave only the heat below.
  26. Bake for 30 minutes and, after the time has elapsed, turn the heat up and down so that the cake browns for another 20 minutes.
  27. When the American apple pie is golden, remove from the oven, let it warm and serve with a little sugar on the surface.
  28. It is recommended to serve it warm to enjoy all the flavor and aromas. You will see what a delicious cake!


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