Endive salad with pomegranate recipe

Today we are going to prepare a rich endive salad with pomegranate, it is a warm salad, you can make braised endives, which also has a pomegranate and spring onion cream that is to suck your fingers.

Learn wonderful vegan and vegetarian recipes from the hand of Kitchen, you will see how with dishes like this warm endive salad, you can vary your menu without problems, eat healthier and improve your diet.

Ingredients to make endive salad with pomegranate:

• 1 onion (with its leaves)

• ½ ripe pomegranate

• 1 piece of red pepper

• 1 jet of olive oil

• 1 tablespoon vegan margarine

• chopped parsley

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 pinch of freshly ground pepper

• 3 puts

How to make Endive Salad with Pomegranate:

First we will start by preparing the base cream for the chicory salad. To do this, heat a pan with oil and margarine and slowly fry the finely chopped onion stem and bulb. Add the fruit together with the piece of chopped pepper and keep cooking for a couple of minutes until everything is tender. So, take this to the blender, season with salt and a splash of oil. And blend until you get a consistent cream. Reserve some pomegranate seeds for the decoration of the dish.

We will make braised ends, so clean them all by cutting a very thin slice of the stalk to prevent too many leaves from falling off. Then, cut the ends in half, lengthwise, and set aside. The leaves that fall, we will also use them like this, cut them finely and reserve.

Next, cover the bottom of a saucepan with a little water, a finger will suffice, and a splash of olive oil. Turn on the heat and let it boil, then place the endives cut side up.

Continue cooking over high heat until almost all the water has been consumed, then turn them over to finish cooking and toast them a bit.

Finally, add the cut ends that we have previously reserved, those with the leaves that came off and stir until they take some heat. Season with a pinch of salt and you’re done.

To assemble our warm endive salad, start by placing a base of cream on each plate, then put two endive halves on top and finish by seasoning with plenty of black pepper and chopped parsley.

Decorate the plate with the reserved pomegranate seeds, the finely sliced spring onion leaves and the warm endive strips.

To complete the plate of our endive salad with pomegranate we can serve a portion of brown rice with quinoa or brown rice with vegetables … the set will be a great dish perfect for lunch or dinner, healthy, vegan and delicious.

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