Endive salad with cod recipe

Prepare a healthy and delicious endive salad with cod for any occasion with this easy recipe that we show you today so that from time to time you can eat this vegetable that is a bit forgotten due to its particular flavor. But don’t worry because thanks to the ingredients that accompany this chicory salad, such as roasted peppers or mustard vinaigrette, the dish will have an exquisite flavor. Take note of the ingredients and the step by step of this endive recipe and enjoy this healthy food.

Ingredients to make endive salad with cod:

• 2 endives

• 3 potatoes

• Roasted pepper strips

• Cod crumbs

• 1 pinch of salt

• Pepper

• 1 tablespoon mustard vinaigrette

How to make endive salad with cod:

The first thing we have to do to prepare this endive salad with cod is to cook the potatoes whole and with the skin.

While the salad potatoes are cooking, peel the endives and put them on a plate. When the potatoes are cooked, peel them and cut them into three-centimeter slices.

Next, we put the endive leaves on a plate, and in the center, we will put the potatoes, around the endives. Then, on top of the potatoes, place the cod crumbs and the pepper strips.

You can buy roasted peppers ready-made or roast them yourself at home, passing them through the flame first and then finishing them in the oven. If you have any leftovers you can prepare a delicious Catalan escalivada.

Once we have assembled the plate, we add the mustard vinaigrette on top, and we will have this light endive salad with cod ready to taste.

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