Endive Salad with Balsamic Vinegar Recipe

Endive salad with balsamic vinegar is a very easy recipe to prepare and you will like it so much that you will surely repeat it every time. Follow the step by step and discover how to make a salad with ends in a different and original way.

Ingredients to make endive salad with balsamic vinegar:

• 2 units of large endives

• 1 small glass of vegetable cream

• 1 splash of balsamic vinegar

• 1 shot of Maggi Juice

• 1 splash of olive oil (Optional)

• 1 pinch of ground black pepper

• 1 pinch of salt (optional)

• 1 handful of black olives

• 1 unit of Tomato

How to make Chicory Salad with Balsamic Vinegar:

First of all, cut the endives Julienne, that is, into thin strips. Apart, mix the rest of the ingredients to prepare vinaigrette. Use only a few drops of Maggi Juice as its flavor is strong, taste the sauce for the salad before adding salt and correct the seasoning if necessary. Mix the vinaigrette with the endives and stir well until they are completely impregnated.

To decorate the dish, you can serve the chicory salad with balsamic vinegar on a lettuce leaf, accompanied by some tomato slices and olives.

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