Endive and pomegranate salad recipe for Christmas

If you are looking for a quick and easy Christmas salad, the endive and pomegranate salad is perfect. To make it you need: escarole, pear, pomegranate, walnuts, cheese, tomato, olive oil and vinegar.

The pomegranate is one of the most popular products of autumn. It represents a good accompaniment for a multitude of salads that enriches it with its delicate fruity flavor and its excellent nutritional qualities. If we add escarole to the pomegranate, which has a slightly bitter taste, we obtain a pleasant counterpoint, both providing us with great benefits for our health. In addition, the characteristic red color of the pomegranate fits perfectly with the Christmas season, decorating the dishes and flavoring them at the same time. If you like the idea, keep reading and discover the escarole and pomegranate salad recipe for Christmas.

Ingredients to make escarole and pomegranate salad for Christmas:

• 1 curly endive

• 1 pear

• 1 pomegranate

• 2 tablespoons of walnuts

• 100 grams of blue cheese

• 1 tomato

• 4 tablespoons of olive oil

• 1 tablespoon honey vinegar

How to make endive and pomegranate salad for Christmas:

Wash the escarole and drain it well. Apart, we peel the pear, remove the core and cut it into small squares. Cut the pomegranate in half and shell both halves. In a bowl, mix the pear, the pomegranate and the diced cheese to start forming the Christmas endive salad.

We prepare the vinaigrette for the escarole and pomegranate salad. To do this, in the mortar, chop the peeled tomato, add the salt, oil and vinegar and mix well until the dressing is homogeneous. Dress the pear bowl with half of this mixture and reserve the other half.

We assemble the salad. To do it, we prepare the individual dishes with a bed of escarole; we pour the mixture of pear, cheese and pomegranate on top. Then, sprinkle the chopped walnuts and finish the remaining dressing by distributing it over all the salads. We serve endive and pomegranate salad for Christmas. This salad recipe is perfect to predict the traditional stuffed turkey, or stuffed chicken, as well as to accompany any other dish.

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