Enchiladas recipe in avocado and poblano pepper sauce

Mexican enchiladas are a simple, practical, versatile dish with a wide variety of ingredients and a wide range of different styles. For every taste there is a perfect type of enchilada.

That is why this time we have decided to bring you some succulent enchiladas in avocado and poblano pepper sauce. Yes, just as you heard, we will prepare some delicious green enchiladas to which a rich guacamole sauce will give them that characteristic color. These guacamole enchiladas will be baked and au gratin with a rich string cheese and stuffed with a little shredded chicken, so we assure you that they are a delight and everyone at home will love them.

Ingredients to make Enchiladas in avocado and poblano pepper sauce:

  • 16 pieces of corn tortilla
  • ½ kilogram of small green tomato
  • 1 piece of poblano chili
  • 2 pieces of avocado
  • ½ piece of Onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 sprig of Coriander
  • 2 tablespoons of Butter
  • 1 cup of shredded chicken
  • 2 cups of string cheese
  • 1 cup of grated cheese

How to make Enchiladas in Avocado Poblano Sauce:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare these delicious enchiladas in avocado and poblano pepper sauce. We begin with the preparation of this delicious avocado sauce with poblano pepper: for this we place the perfectly clean poblano pepper in the blender, without veins or seeds, together with the avocado, the green tomatoes, the garlic, a piece of onion, the milk and the sour cream, and blend everything until obtaining a homogeneous sauce. On the other hand, place a saucepan over medium heat, add the butter and let it melt. Once liquid, pour the sauce from the green enchiladas that we just blended and let it cool. When it comes to a boil, add a pinch of salt and pepper to season. Once ready, we reserve it for a moment.  On the other hand, we take the hot corn tortillas to form the avocado enchiladas and fill them with a little shredded chicken.

Now we place our Mexican enchiladas stuffed with chicken on a baking sheet, bathe them with the avocado and poblano pepper sauce that we prepared a moment ago and add the shredded cheese on top of the sauce. Now we take our tray with the guacamole enchiladas and we take them to bake for 10 minutes at 180 °C. Once this time has passed, we remove them from the oven and our delicious enchiladas in avocado sauce with poblano peppers will be READY! We can accompany them with a little white rice. Enjoy them!

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