Empanadas with anchovy’s recipe

Ingredients to make Empanadas with anchovies:

• 12 dough caps for baked empanadas (see basic dough’s in bakery and pastry)

• 250g (2 cups) flour

• 15g of pressed yeast or 5g of dehydrated yeast

• 125cc (1 cup) water at room temperature

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 teaspoon of oil

For the filling:

• 300 g grated mozzarella cheese

• 100 g grated Parmesan cheese

• 2 medium-beaten eggs (reserve a little for brushing)

• 6 chopped anchovy fillets

• 2 tomatoes peeled without seeds chopped

• 2 chopped onions

• 1 tablespoon of parsley

• 50 ml of olive oil

• Salt

• Pepper to taste

• 1 cup of water to moisten the dough

How to make empanadas with anchovies:

In a frying pan with olive oil, sauté the onion, let cool. In a container mix the tomato, with the cheeses, the onion, the anchovies and the eggs and season with a little salt and pepper.

Pour the filling in half of each dough, moisten the edges with water, close in the form of an empanada and make the repulgo.

Pxintar with the rest of the reserved egg and bake in a very hot oven on an oiled plate until the dough is golden.

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