Empanada recipe with minced meat curry

Minced meat empanadas are a very good option if we have to eat away from home or if we want to leave something ready in advance. If you prepare them during the weekend you will have solved more than one dinner accompanying it with a salad or a good soup. In this article, I share my curried minced meat empanada recipe made with turkey and mushrooms and a delicious touch of curry! Very simple to prepare and with a tremendously juicy filling, you can’t miss it!

Ingredients to make Curried Minced Beef Empanada:

• 2 sheets of puff pastry

• 400 grams of turkey tenderloin

• 1 can of mushrooms (approximately 200 grams)

• 2 onions

• 1 tablespoon olive oil

• 2 tablespoons Madras curry

• 1 egg

• 100 grams of bacon

How to make Curried Minced Beef Empanada:

We start by peeling the onions and cutting them into large pieces that we will put in the chopper. We chop them until they are almost liquefied. Put a tablespoon of olive oil in a large frying pan and heat it. Add the onion and let’s cook.

Trick: The flavor of the onion is not noticeable but it gives a lot of juiciness to the filling of the curry meat empanada.

While we cut the turkey tenderloin into large pieces that we put in the grinder and leave the minced meat very fine. Add it to the pan along with the onion. We also chop the bacon and put it in the pan. Stir occasionally. Drain the mushrooms, chop them and add them to the pan.

Let all the ingredients cook together for about five minutes, stirring from time to time, and add the curry. I am usually quite generous with this spice but you should adjust the amount to your tastes. Mix very well, cook a couple more minutes and remove from heat until the baked turkey empanada filling is tempered.

Tip: If you don’t like curry you can add the spices you like.

Meanwhile we put the egg in a bowl and beat it with the help of a fork or a few rods as if we were going to make an omelet. We take the sheets of puff pastry out of the refrigerator, spread them out and pour the cold filling (or at least warm) on top of one of them, leaving a centimeter on all sides without filling. We distribute well and smooth with the help of a spatula. We cover with the other sheet, fold the edges inwards and with the help of a fork we seal them all around so that the mushroom and bacon pie does not open during baking. Prick the surface with a fork to let it breathe.

With the help of a kitchen brush, paint the edges and the surface with the beaten egg. Put the turkey empanada in the oven preheated to 180ºC and bake for about 25-30 minutes or until the puff pastry looks golden.

We turn it off, let it cool down and we can serve the curry minced meat empanada now, although for my taste it is better if we give it a few hours to rest before eating it, which makes it easier to cut.

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