Eggs in the glass recipe

The egg to the cup is characterized by being a little cooked egg, although not as much as the soft-boiled egg. The egg is a very beneficial and versatile protein that allows us to make exquisite preparations and eat it in different ways, which is why there are different types of egg cooking. One of these ways of eating this food is the popular egg cup, which is ideal for use at breakfast, in soups and stews. You can serve it in its own shell if you have a support, although the most common is to empty its content into a small cup once it is cooked, season it with salt, pepper and oregano, mix and enjoy spreading on toast or crackers.

This recipe is an easy and quick option for breakfast, with a good source of protein and vitamins, so it is also perfect for people who practice sports first thing in the morning. It is quite common in restaurants and food establishments, also on the table in many homes. If you are interested in knowing how to make egg to the glass, keep reading the step by step that we show.

Ingredients to make Eggs to the cup:

  • 1 egg
  • 500 milliliters of water
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Eggs to the glass:

  1. Carefully wash the surface of the egg. You can use a soft brush to clean it well.
  2. Being careful not to burn you, place the egg in a pot of boiling water.
  3.  Now, how many minutes to make egg cup? We recommend you let it cook for exactly 5 minutes so that the white curd and the liquid yolk remain.
  4. Before taking it out, prepare a container with cold water and ice. Once the 5 minutes have passed, submerge the egg in the ice water for a few seconds.
  5.  This will allow stopping the cooking and preventing the yolk from curdling.
  6. Using a fork, tap the thinnest part of the egg to break the shell enough to remove just the top.
  7. You can season with a pinch of salt, pepper and oregano, stir the inside and enjoy with the accompaniment that you like the most.
  8. Remember that the recipe for eggs in a glass is also characterized by pouring the inside into a glass, cup or cup and eating it with toasted bread.

Eggs to the glass – Properties

The egg has a large amount of vitamins such as folic acid and B12, minerals such as selenium, zinc and iron, and best of all; it provides very few calories to our body. The best ways to consume it are those that use little or no oil in their preparation, such as this rich egg recipe in a glass. In addition, we must not forget the large amount of protein found in this food.


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