Eggplant recipe with soy sauce and honey

If you don’t know how to prepare aubergines with soy and honey sauce, take a look at this quick and easy recipe to prepare aubergines with honey and soy sauce in just 30 minutes.

These Chinese-style sautéed eggplants are priceless and we assure you that their flavor is exquisite. If you want to get a different and original dish to all the aubergine recipes that you are used to, do not miss this step by step and get some aubergines with soy and honey to lick your fingers.

Ingredients to make Aubergines with soy sauce and honey:

  • 3 eggplants
  • 4 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Sal
  • Jenjibre
  • 2 eggs
  • Bread crumbs

How to make Eggplants with soy sauce and honey:

Wash the aubergines and cut them into half cm slices. We add salt.

Pass the slices through breadcrumbs and then through beaten egg and fry the aubergines in oil until golden brown.

To make the aubergine sauce with honey and soy, all you have to do is mix the soy sauce with honey, minced garlic and lemon juice very well, heat for 1 minute so that everything is mixed well and add a touch of ginger.

We put the sauce on top, sprinkle with chives and serve the aubergines with soy sauce and honey.

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