Eggplant and Lemon Water to Lose Weight – Preparation and Contraindications

Eggplant is one of the best allies when it comes to losing weight, and it is that in addition to being a low-calorie food, it is ideal to combine it with other equally beneficial products and obtain dishes full of flavor. Because following a diet to lose weight should not be synonymous with going hungry or stopping enjoying food, quite the opposite!

There are many properties of this vegetable for the body, such as its high fiber content, antioxidants and essential minerals such as potassium. But, did you know that eggplant water is even more suitable for losing weight? Its preparation is very simple and we can easily include it in our daily diet, obtaining quick results if we combine its consumption with exercise appropriate to our physical condition.

Benefits of eggplant water to lose weight

As we pointed out previously, the eggplant is rich in fiber and, therefore, its water too. But how does this fiber contribution benefit us? In addition to promoting intestinal transit and helping us fight constipation, or prevent its appearance, this component has the ability to reduce bad cholesterol levels. This is so because the fiber, not being digested by our body, passes to the small intestine, where cholesterol is also produced. There, it becomes a kind of gel when mixed with water that helps to drag a large part of the cholesterol for its subsequent elimination. In this way, it also favors the control of triglycerides and reduces sugar levels, being a drink suitable for diabetics.

On the other hand, its antioxidant power is another of the most outstanding benefits of eggplant water, since it makes it a perfect natural remedy to maintain the health of our skin, and it acts on free radicals in cells, preventing them from aging. Premature, as well as the development of serious diseases such as cancer. However, the diuretic properties of eggplant water are the ones that have popularized the intake of this drink to lose weight and maintain shape. Thus, by consuming it following the appropriate guidelines, we manage to combat fluid retention, a fact that translates into a rapid reduction in inflammation in the abdomen area. In this way, when we start to ingest aborigine water to lose weight, the first thing we notice is a flatter belly, because we are eliminating the liquids accumulated in it.

How to prepare eggplant water with lemon to lose weight

Now that you know the properties of eggplant water to lose weight, the time has come to discover the recipe! Preparing eggplant and lemon water to lose weight is very simple. The first thing you should do is gather the necessary ingredients:

  • 1 eggplant
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 glass jug

Lemon is an ingredient that manages to enhance the slimming effects of aborigine water thanks to its digestive, diuretic and cleansing properties, so we do not recommend removing it from the recipe. However, if for whatever reason you prefer not to include it, you should know that you can prepare eggplant water to lose weight without it and obtain optimal results.

Eggplant water recipe with lemon to lose weight

  1. Thoroughly clean the eggplant and peel it.
  2. Once peeled, cut it into cubes of the same size or slices. It doesn’t matter if the pieces are more or less small as long as they are all similar.
  3. Put the eggplant cubes in the jar.
  4. Squeeze the lemon and pour the juice over the vegetable.
  5. Add the full liter of water and reserve the jug in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. The next day, we strain the water to drink it and reserve the aborigine pieces to prepare other recipes

For better results, we recommend buying quality aborigines, organically grown if possible, as well as respecting the maceration time in the fridge.

How to drink eggplant water to lose weight

Now that you know how to prepare eggplant water to lose weight, the time has come to detail how to take it to start benefiting from its properties! The ideal is to consume half a liter of water for seven days in a row, taking the first glass in the morning and on an empty stomach, and the second half an hour before the main meal.

If this is the first time you are on a weight-loss diet, we recommend that you drink only the first glass the first month you follow this natural remedy. From the second month, you can introduce the two glasses. In this sense, the water-based treatment of eggplant and lemon should be done once a month, no more, to purify and detoxify the body.

As we pointed out at the beginning, eggplant water alone will not achieve the expected results, it is necessary to combine it with a balanced diet adapted to our case, as well as carrying out adequate exercise. If we carry out all these practices, we will see the first results after the first seven days.

Contraindications of eggplant water

Eggplant water to lose weight is highly beneficial not only for people who want to get rid of those extra kilos, but also for all those who want to maintain their ideal weight, purify their body or combat fluid retention. However, it is also true that its consumption is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. By stimulating intestinal transit and eliminating fats that accumulate more easily, its consumption is not recommended during these stages. On the other hand, its intake is not recommended if you suffer from gastrointestinal diseases or diarrhea.

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