Eggnog flan recipe

Flan is one of the quintessential desserts and one of the best options to end any meal. It is so popular that today we can make it in almost any flavor we can think of. So, if you have prepared eggnog and you have leftovers, use it to make flan! In this article we teach you how to prepare a delicious eggnog flan with very easy-to-find ingredients.

Preparing this flan is not very complicated. At first glance you may think that it is a complicated and delicate dessert, but it is not like that, it is so easy that anyone can do it. This eggnog flan recipe is an excellent option for dessert after dinner or a family gathering on the weekend. You can choose to prepare it in a large mold or in individual molds to serve it at a birthday party, you choose! Keep reading and discover with us how to make eggnog flan.

Ingredients to make Eggnog Flan:

  • 1 cup eggnog
  • 360 grams of evaporated milk
  • 380 grams of condensed milk
  • 100 grams of cream cheese
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 grams of sugar (½ cup)

How to make Eggnog Flan:

  1. To start the eggnog flan recipe, prepare the caramel.
  2.  To do this, simply heat half a cup of sugar in a skillet over low heat and let it dissolve, stirring from time to time to prevent it from burning.
  3. Once the sugar has dissolved, quickly transfer the caramel to the mold where you will prepare the eggnog flan.
  4. You can use a glass dish or individual molds, but make sure your mold can withstand high temperatures.
  5. Prepare the mixture for the flan, so blend the cream cheese with the evaporated milk, the condensed milk, the eggs, the vanilla and the eggnog.
  6. Mix for 3 minutes so that all the ingredients integrate very well.
  7. If you don’t have eggnog made, don’t miss the Mexican Eggnog Recipe.
  8. Tip: you can also add a piece of fresh cheese or quesillo, it will give it an original flavor!
  9. Pour the mixture into the moldor molds until it is almost completely filled.
  10. As you can see, this is an eggnog flan recipe without gelatin, but if you prefer you can use it to give it a harder consistency.
  11. Simply hydrate a teaspoon of gelatin, dissolve it in half a glass of hot evaporated milk and mix it with the other ingredients.
  12. Cover each eggnog flan with aluminum foil so that they are well covered and place them on a tray or pot to cook them in a bain-marie.
  13. You can cook the flans on the fire or in the oven. For this second option, preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  14. Once hot, place the flans on the tray, pour water until it reaches half the molds and let them cook for 1 hour.
  15. To make the eggnog flan without an oven, the cooking time is the same because you will have to cook them over low heat.
  16. When the flan is well cooked, let it cool a bit, unmold and it will be ready to eat. Enjoy this delicious eggnog flan recipe.


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