Eggless Cornstarch Flan Recipe

This article today teaches you how to make cornstarch flan, but without eggs! Great, isn’t it? An exquisite and super easy recipe to make. It has few ingredients and is ideal to enjoy as a dessert without eggs after lunch or to share with friends at a meeting. Suitable to prepare on any date of the year and that you can do yourself. I assure you that you will love it and you will surely surprise all your guests. Therefore, get the ingredients ready and start with this delicious cornstarch flan recipe without eggs!

Ingredients to make Eggless Cornstarch Flan:

For the flan

  1. 1 liter of milk
  2. 125 grams of Sugar
  3. 110 grams of cornstarch
  4. 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence
  5. 1 teaspoon of lemon zest

for the caramel

  1. 1 glass of sugar
  2. 1 teaspoon of water

How to make cornstarch flan without eggs:

  • To make the eggless cornstarch flan recipe, we are going to start by making the liquid caramel. To do this, place the sugar and water in a pot or jar over low heat. Let the sugar begin to heat up and move the pot with an oven mitt as it melts, until the sugar turns brown and dark.
  • Once our caramel is ready, pour it into the flan or mold chosen for the eggless cornstarch flan. Cover the base and the edges so that everything is well covered with this sweet.
  • Dissolve the cornstarch in 60 cc of cold milk. Mix for 3 minutes and reserve.
  • Add the rest of the cold milk and the sugar in a saucepan or jug, over moderate heat, until it boils. Once it boils, turn off the heat and let cool.
  • Add the mixture of cornstarch and milk (previously reserved) to the boiled milk and return to the heat. Mix constantly for a few minutes until the eggless cornstarch flan mixture thickens. There should be a texture similar to that of the pastry cream.
  • Add the essence of vanilla and lemon zest to the preparation to flavor and perfume. Mix for 1 minute to integrate ingredients.

Trick: You can add an extra half teaspoon of the flavoring that you like the most to obtain a more intense flavor.

  • Pour the preparation into the already caramelized flanera and let it cool for about half an hour and then put it in the fridge.
  • Once our eggless cornstarch flan is cold and has taken consistency, we remove it from the fridge and unmold it in a nice dish or tray. You can eat it like this alone or decorate it and accompany your eggless cornstarch flan with whatever you like. And ready to taste and enjoy this delicious dessert!

Tip: If you want, you can also choose to leave the flan inside the flanera and serve portions from there.

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