Egg Stuffed Peppers Recipe

It is very common to find in Argentine barbecues, in addition to meat and offal, the typical pepper stuffed with egg. They are also called “Panigassi “after their appearance in the popular telenovela “Gasoleros”. In it, the main actor, whose last name was Panigassi, prepared these peppers.

In this article we bring you a baked version so that you can enjoy these delicious stuffed peppers without the need for a grill. Find out how to make egg stuffed peppers below, you’ll love them!

Ingredients to make Stuffed Peppers with Egg:

  1.  2 red bell peppers
  2.  3 eggs
  3.  2 blood sausages

How to make Egg Stuffed Peppers:

  • Wash and cut the peppers in half. With the help of a spoon or knife, remove the white nerves and seeds
  • Cook the peppers in the oven at 200ºC for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the gut from the blood sausage and cut it into cubes. Fill the peppers with it. If you prefer, you can choose to make the peppers with egg, another filling instead of the black pudding, such as other vegetables, chicken, chorizo…
  • Crack an egg over each bell pepper and bake for 10 minutes for the egg to cook.
  • Take them out of the oven, serve them and you can now enjoy these exquisite peppers stuffed with egg.

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