Egg Flan Recipe with Thermomix

Add another great dessert with Thermomix to your list, this time we will teach you how to make a delicious egg flan using the Varoma mode of your kitchen robot, without complications and very fast!

Almost everyone likes that soft flan texture, so if you have to organize a special lunch or dinner with the family, how about closing the evening with a simple dessert with a homemade flavor? Well, in this article we are going to help you with that and for this, here is the step-by-step recipe for egg flan with Thermomix, do not miss it.

Ingredients to make Egg Flan with Thermomix:

  1. 750 milliliters of Milk
  2. 6 eggs
  3. 120 grams of sugar
  4. 700 milliliters of Water (Varoma)
  5. Liquid candy

How to make Egg Flan with Thermomix:

  • We will start by placing the milk in the Thermomix glass together with the sugar and the eggs. We mix these ingredients at speed 4 for 10 seconds.
  • This is the dough with which we will make our homemade flan.
  • Use a one-liter mold, aluminum or silicone, and cover the base with the liquid caramel. Just above this base, empty the flan mixture and cover with aluminum foil and then transparent kitchen paper to absorb the water from the steam during cooking.

Tip: You can also use individual molds, but the cooking process will be a bit more complicated.

  • We will cook our egg flan with the steam from Varoma. To do this, place all the water in the glass, also place the Varoma with the flan mold on the lid and program the Thermomix for 40 minutes, in Varoma mode at speed 1.
  • Check that the flan has set in the center to know if it is ready.
  • Wait for the egg flan with Thermomix to cool to room temperature and then reserve in the fridge for a couple of hours before unmolding and serving.

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