Egg and Vanilla Flan Recipe

It’s actually the first time I’ve made this recipe, I had never made flan with cornstarch and eggs… But I don’t regret it, they turned out good hehehe. I hope you like it!

There are currently an infinite number of flan recipes that allow us to make this delicious dessert with the flavor that we like the most. In this way, we can prepare passion fruit flan, chocolate flan, coffee flan, or enjoy the traditional flavor of vanilla flan. Keep reading and discover in this recipe that we share in this article how to make egg and vanilla flan, you will love its texture and contrast of flavors!

Ingredients to make Egg and Vanilla Flan:

  1. 3 tablespoons cornstarch (cornstarch)
  2. 1 pinch of Cinnamon (1/4 of a branch)
  3. 2 tablespoons of vanilla essence
  4. 4 medium eggs
  5. 2½ cups of Milk (600 milliliters)
  6. 85 grams of sugar
  7. ½ stick of cream cheese (Philadelphia)
  8. 4 tablespoons of Sugar
  9. Foil

How to make Egg and Vanilla Flan:

  • Prepare everything you need to start making the homemade flan.
  • Preparation: in half a cup of milk we dissolve the 3 tablespoons of cornstarch (cornstarch).
  • Put the rest of the milk (2 cups) to boil with the cinnamon sticks (just a little cinnamon).

Tip: If we don’t have cinnamon sticks, we can use a pinch of cinnamon powder.

  • You put the eggs to blend (I put 5 eggs because they were small), half a bar of Philadelphia-type cream cheese, a little sugar (4 tablespoons) and the essence of vanilla (3 tablespoons), to continue with the preparation of the homemade flan.
  • In a bowl or bowl, we mix what we blended in the previous step (Philadelphia, vanilla, eggs, sugar) with the milk and the cornstarch (cornstarch) until it is a very well mixed mixture, smooth and without lumps.
  • We put 3/8 cup of sugar (85 grams) over medium heat, without moving, until it caramelizes. Once finished, we fill the base of our flan mold with the caramel.

Tip: We can also use individual molds.

  • Fill our mold with the mixture of egg flan and cornstarch.
  • Once stuffed, cover with aluminum foil and boil in a bain-marie for approximately 30 minutes.
  • Ready! Let the egg and vanilla flan cool, refrigerate for another 30 minutes and taste as said. Enjoy your meal.

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