Eel Salad Recipe

An extraordinary dish that mixes the richest of the land and the sea. This eel salad is ideal for a light and very rich starter.

Ingredients to make Eel Salad:

• 200 grams of eels

• 1 can of sweet corn

• 1 unit of grated carrot

• 1 splash of olive oil

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 splash of Vinegar

• 50 grams of lettuce

• 5 units of peeled shrimp

How to make eel salad:

The first step to make this eel salad is to fry the eels in oil, it is a warm salad. Once the eels are done, we put them on a kitchen paper, so that they lose the oil. Save and reserve. In a tray we put a base of lettuce, corn, carrot and put a pinch of salt.

We finish the salad by putting the eels on top of the salad, dressing it with a little more olive oil and a small splash of vinegar.

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