Eel and Prawn Canapé Recipe

The gula and shrimp canapé is a traditional Christmas appetizer in many parts of Spain. Although it’s natural ingredients are quite expensive, this easy Christmas recipe can be made with precooked and frozen ingredients. Go ahead and prepare some eel and prawn vol-au-vents and organize your Christmas appetizer table in style.

Ingredients to make eel and prawn canapé:

  • 12 units of vol-au-vents
  • 12 units of Prawn
  • 250 grams of eels
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 jet of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of chili powder

How to make eel and prawn canapé:

1 The first step in preparing this delicious Christmas appetizer is to wash and peel the prawns. If you prefer to skip this step, you can also buy ready – made frozen prawns. Also finely chop the garlic.

2 Next, fry the garlic and prawns over high heat with a little oil. When the prawns are ready, lower the flame, remove them from the pan and set aside. We will use the whole prawns to decorate the canapés.

3 Use the same pan with oil and garlic, add the chili or hot paprika and sauté the eels. The eels need only a couple of minutes to make. During this cooking you can taste the seasoning of the filling of the eel tartlets and correct with a little salt if necessary.

4 Finally fill the vol-au- vents with the eels and decorate with a shrimp on top of each canapé. It depends on the type of canapé you use, it is best to fill them at the time of serving them.

5 You can also serve the sautéed eels on toasted bread. Remember that this delicious typical Christmas appetizer can be presented with any base, vol-au-vents, toast, puff pastries or others.

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