Ecuadorian Encebollado Recipe

Encebollados, also known as spicy fish, is a typical dish of Ecuadorian coastal gastronomy. This delicious soup is prepared with tuna or albacore, cassava, red onion, tomato, coriander, chili powder and cumin. Its origin is pre-Columbian, when it was cooked like fish over low heat in ceramic vessels. With the arrival of Europeans in America, ingredients such as onion were added.

The modern Ecuadorian encebollado recipe originated in the 1950s and is known today as an inexpensive hangover dish. It is generally enjoyed in the morning, although it is also eaten at lunch.  we want to teach you how to make Ecuadorian encebollado so that you can prepare it every time you want a fish encebollado with a lot of flavor.

Ingredients to make Ecuadorian encebollado:

  • 1 kilogram of tuna or albacore
  • 1 kilogram of cassava
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 teaspoon ground paprika
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 8 cups of water (1920 milliliters)
  • 5 branches of coriander or coriander

How to make Ecuadorian Encebolllado:

  1. Chop the tomatoes and onion. Cook a refried with these 2 ingredients and add the cumin, chili pepper and salt.
  2. Add the water and the cilantro branches in the same spot where you did the refry to start your fish broth.
  3. Tip: If you can’t find coriander, you can replace it with parsley, but the flavor won’t be the same.
  4. When the water starts to boil, add the tuna. Cook over medium heat for approximately 15 minutes. Remove the fish from the brother and reserve.
  5. Peel the cassava and cut it into medium sticks. In a container, cook the cassava with salt. When when pierced with a knife it is tender, turn off the heat.
  6. Strain the brother where the fish was cooked. Add the crushed cassava and the sliced ​​tuna. Rectify the salt and heat until the Ecuadorian encebollado is ready to serve.
  7. Tip: If you want to add more consistency and flavor, blend what you separated from the broth when straining it. Then, incorporate it into the final preparation.

Ecuadorian encebollado – Side dishes and other recipes

Ecuadorian encebollado is a recipe steeped in history and tradition, very popular on the country’s coasts. To accompany it, you can use chifles (fried green plantain slices seasoned with salt), egg, popcorn or toasted corn. All of these extras are added to the soup when you eat it.

In addition, it is very common that it is seasoned with a few drops of green lemon and chili pepper, to give it a delicious spicy touch. If you do not like spicy, you can do without this option and place a portion of onion curtido on top.

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