Easy to make Christmas Marzipan Recipe

These homemade marzipans are ideal to make at Christmas parties, because if you like a touch of lemon you will love them. Thus, they are not like traditional marzipan, since in addition to ground almonds and sugar, we incorporate a citrus touch that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Stay in this article and discover with us how to make easy Christmas marzipan, a delicious lemon marzipan recipe.

Ingredients to make easy-to-make Christmas Marzipans:

  1. 250 grams of ground almonds
  2. 200 grams of icing sugar
  3. 1 lemon (zest)
  4. 62 grams of water
  5. 1 beaten egg

How to make easy Christmas Marzipans:

  • In a bowl we put all the ingredients except the egg, that is, the round almonds, the icing sugar, the lemon zest and the water, we stir it with a spoon until it is well integrated. You can make your own powdered sugar by following this simple recipe.
  • In the chopper we put half or less of the dough that we had in the bowl and we chop it very well. What is very fine we are placing on transparent film paper to make a ground ball and we wrap it with that film so that the air does not enter. We leave the ball in a container or bowl and store it in the fridge until the next day.
  • The next day we are making the marzipan figures with the molds of the same size (thickness) or with our hands. So that the dough does not stick to us, we pass the knife through water. We leave the Christmas marzipans on the oven tray previously lined with parchment paper without covering the top until the next day.
  • The next day we paint the figures on top with beaten egg with the help of a silicone brush. We put the resistance only on top of the oven and with the temperature that the oven gives.
  • When it reaches the temperature, we bake the homemade marzipans until they brown a little, not much. We let them cool down and serve them during the Christmas holidays. Although it is necessary to let the dough rest for days so that it acquires the perfect consistency, the Christmas marzipan recipe itself is very easy to make, so be sure to try it!

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