Easy Sky Bacon Recipe

Tocino de cielo is a typical Spanish dessert, it is a flan made with egg yolks. If you find this dessert interesting, go ahead and follow the recipe that we share in this article. You will see how the easy sky bacon will become one of your favorite preparations.

Ingredients to make Easy Sky Bacon:

  1. 4 units of egg white
  2. 4 units of egg yolk
  3. 1 jar of Ideal Milk or Evaporated Milk
  4. 1 jar of condensed milk
  5. ½ small glass of grated Coconut
  6. 1 teaspoon of Vanilla

How to make Easy Sky Bacon:

  • Once you gather all the ingredients, start by beating the egg whites until stiff. To achieve this, use an electric mixer and beat evenly and with enveloping movements.
  • Next, add the yolks one by one, this means that until the first one is completely integrated, you will not be able to add the next one. Remember to keep the movements soft and enveloping so that the preparation does not come down.
  • Then add the ideal milk jar and condensed milk. Once they are well mixed with the rest of the dough for the bacon, add the coconut and vanilla.
  • To finish, pour the mixture into a container and cook in a bain-marie in the oven until golden brown.

Tip: If you want, you can cover the mold with liquid caramel to give the dessert the appearance of a flan.

  • Let it rest and keep in the fridge so that the easy sky bacon finishes curdling and enjoy!

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