Easy Jojoto Cheese Recipe

The Venezuelan quesillo is a magnificent Creole sweet that everyone likes, its flavor travels through every corner of the Venezuelan geography… it is never lacking in celebrations!

This time this article brings you an ideal recipe for any celebration, a delicacy from the Caribbean: easy-to-make jojoto cheese. This dessert has the charm of the most representative grain of the Latin American heritage.

The most outstanding characteristic of the homemade jojoto cheese is its smooth texture on the palate, creamy like butter but somewhat porous. For many people, the corn cheese or jojoto has attributes that are similar to flan, to whom they attribute their influence. Others point to the Spanish roasted milk. In Venezuela, this dessert is called quesillo due to its similarity to fresh cheese, due to its porous texture.

Although jojoto flan is traditional on birthdays in Venezuela, it can be enjoyed at any time of the year. Be it celebrations, meetings or as a dessert at any meal of the day. You won’t be disappointed!

Ingredients to make easy jojoto cheese:

For the cheese:

  1. 1 can of condensed milk
  2. 6 eggs
  3. 2 large corn kernels
  4. 397 milliliters of whole milk
  5. 4 tablespoons of fresh cheese

For the caramel:

  1. 5 tablespoons of sugar
  2. ½ cup of water (120 milliliters)

For additional coverage:

  1. 1 can of sweet corn
  2. ½ sugar

How to make easy jojoto cheese

  • First cook the corn. You choose if you prefer the short or long step. In the short you can use canned sweet corn (or cream of corn). You open the can, drain, rinse it just a little under the tap and drain again. If you are using creamed corn, you do not need to drain. Booking.
  • Now, the long step, more annoying but more natural. Peel the ears, remove the hairs (beards), wash and shell with a knife. Throw the grains into a saucepan, pour water to cover them completely. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar, so the taste will be sweeter, more like canned. Let cook for about 20 minutes or until the grain is crisp-tender, soft enough to press but not mushy. Cooking time is approximate, as it varies depending on the kind of corn and its maturity. If the corn is fresh and sweet, it cooks faster. Subsequently, drain the grains, using a strainer. Then, place them on absorbent paper or a clean towel and wait 30 to 60 seconds, before reserving.

Tip: You can shell the ears at first and then cook the kernels or cook the ears first and then shell.

  • Place the corn grains in the blender. (whether boiled or canned) and process until you achieve a homogeneous paste. Add a little cooking water if you need it.

Tip: If you use boiled grains, you must strain the cooked corn paste through a metal grid with very small holes. Then, discard the segments and reserve what is obtained. You can also wait until the end of the recipe to strain and discard the segments. But

  • Organize your workspace to prepare this delicious Venezuelan jojoto cheese recipe. Measure or weigh the ingredients and place them in bowls. If the eggs are in the fridge, take them out 30 minutes in advance, until they are set.
  • Separate the white from the yolk of the eggsand reserve both separately. Prevents yolk or shell particles from falling into the white. Open the can of condensed milk and pour its contents into a bowl, reserve. Use the empty condensed milk can to measure the whole milk, then place in a bowl and set aside
  • Pour the egg whites into a semi-deep bowl. Beat patiently in an enveloping way from top to bottom, until reaching the point of snow. Remember that it is not about mixing but about aerating the whites. When they start to rise, add a pinch of salt. You will know that the mixture is ready if you see peaks on the rod.

Trick: Use a clean and dry container, without a trace of fat.

  • Add the egg yolks and stir until they are perfectly incorporated into the mixture. It is important for the final consistency of the corn cheese to always mix the ingredients very well.
  • Add the corn paste, condensed milk, whole milk and cheese.

Trick: Each ingredient must be added separately and little by little and integrating very well.

  • Place the sugar in a saucepan and then add the water, over high heat. When you see the first bubbles, you have to keep an eye on the liquid caramel or it can burn. When it starts to turn blonde, remove the saucepan by holding it by the handle. Be very careful not to burn yourself. When the caramel looks completely countersunk, you can remove it. Caramel is the main presentation of our jojota cheese cake.
  • Pour the caramel into the quesillera (flanera). Here you have two options, you leave the caramel only in the bottom or you extend it to the inside walls of the mold. If you like the second option, rotate the mold until the caramel permeates the interior. Be very careful not to burn yourself on the caramel. Close the quesillera, it is important that water never falls into the mixture.
  • Preparing the bain-marie is very easy. Just find a large pot and place the flanera inside. Pour water into the large saucepan, covering only 3/4 of the flanera. Make sure that the quesillera floats and never touches the bottom.
  • Let the sweet corn flan cook for about an hour and a half. When the time is up, check the cooking. How do you check that the cheese is cooked or not? Prick it with a toothpick or a knife and if it comes out dry it’s ready, but if it comes out wet you have to wait longer.
  • When the Venezuelan cheese is ready, turn off the heat. Remove the flan era from the saucepan and let it rest, until it reaches room temperature. Then, refrigerate for 5-12 hours. After the time, unmold and… Let’s taste!
  • Optional: you can prepare some caramelized jojotos grains to decorate. You just need to cook a syrup and then add the can of sweet corn. Wait for the syrup to permeate the grains and… Voila!
  • This original corn cheese has an enhanced flavor. The essence of the American grain gives this traditional dessert a unique stamp that is very representative of Latin American cuisine.
  • Try this creamy delight! Travel through the hearth to the American continent. Taste the sweetness of corn, represented in this wonderful dessert, in the best Venezuelan style. Go ahead and prepare this original recipe! I look forward to the result of your creation… Don’t forget to send a photo of your jojoto cheese

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