Easy gnocchi recipe with tomato sauce

A quick and easy potato gnocchi recipe, without the need to boil and best of all, without dirtying the kitchen. If you thought that making gnocchi was complicated, follow this recipe step by step and discover how easy it is to prepare homemade gnocchi without boiling … Enjoy a delicious, practical and original vegan dish with which you will surely surprise everyone at home.

Ingredients to make easy gnocchi with tomato sauce:

  • ½ kilogram of raw potatoes
  • 6 garlic cloves
  • ½ splash of olive oil
  • 2 units of ripe tomato
  • 100 grams of flour
  • 250 grams of cherry tomato
  • 1 pinch of Salt and Pepper
  • 1 handful of fresh Basil
  • 1 handful of cumin or caraway seeds (decoration)

How to make easy gnocchi with tomato sauce:

  1. The first step to prepare these quick and easy potato gnocchi is to wash the unpeeled potatoesand pierce them with a fork or knife in several parts.
  2. Try to wash them very well and after puncturing them, wrap each one of them in transparent film paper.
  3. Place the already wrapped potatoes in the microwave and cook at maximum power for about 10 minutes.
  4. When the first 6 minutes have passed, place a cup with 4 whole garlic cloves, unpeeled, with a little water in the center of the microwave plate and finish cooking.
  5. Separately, place a splash of oil in a wide frying pan and fry the ripe tomatoes, previously finely chopped, along with the other two garlic cloves, also finely chopped.
  6. When you see that the tomato begins to fall apart, add a little hot water to form a sauce. Stir and leave on low heat, adding more water when necessary.
  7. We return to the potatoes.
  8. Check that they are done and let them rest until they come to room temperature, then grind without peeling themwith the help of the usual tool until you get a puree.
  9. Add the flour to the puree and mix until you get dough.
  10. If you want to calculate the exact amount of flour that the recipe needs, weigh the mashed potato and add 30% of its weight in flour.
  11. For example, if 300g of puree you will need 90g of flour.
  12. In my case, 362g of puree has come out, so I have used 109g of flour.
  13. Next, form the gnocchi by making ballsof dough, to do this, work with slightly damp hands.
  14. It is important to keep in mind that the potato gnocchi dough should not be over-kneaded, since the potato can release a lot of water.
  15. To continue with the sauce, cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them to the preparation.
  16. Peel the 4 garlic that were used in the microwave and add them to the pan, dividing each one into 4.
  17. Next, check that there is enough water in the pan and add the potato gnocchi.
  18. Season to taste with a little salt, pepper and fresh basil. Let everything cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes.
  19. Go stirring the preparation with the help of a wooden spoon, with smooth movements from the bottom of the pan and check that the gnocchi are firm and do not taste like flour
  20. Serve this vegan dish for a healthy and delicious meal.
  21. Decorate the gnocchi with tomato saucewith a little fresh basil, cumin seeds and bon appetite.

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