Easy fish broth recipe

If you want to make seafood paella, you will surely need some fish stock, so if you have leftover fish at home, we teach you how to take advantage of them to prepare a powerful easy fish brother so that you can include it in your best seafood dishes.

To prepare this homemade broth we will need some vegetables and of course, the basic ingredient, fish heads bodies and bones. Let’s go with the recipe step by step and cook!

Ingredients to make Easy Fish Broth:

  • 1 turn
  • 1 Cherryville or white carrot
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 leek
  • 1 piece of Celery
  • 1 monkfish head
  • 1 head of hake
  • fish backbones

How to make Easy Fish Stock:

  1. To cook our brother with hake and monkfish, we start by washing and peeling the vegetables very well. Place everything in a large pot along with the fish heads and bones, add water to cover everything completely and start cooking over high heat.
  2. As the water heats up, you will see that foam comes out; Remove this foam with the help of a slotted spoon or a saucepan so as not to damage our fish broth. Do this as long as it takes until there is none of this foam left on the surface.
  3. When the cooker starts to boil, we scare the preparation by adding a little cold water. Then we wait for it to boil again and we keep cooking for another 30 minutes.
  4. At the end of cooking our homemade fish broth, a very important task must be carried out, which is the clarification of the stock. To do so, we must strain the broth using a fine cotton mesh (salt wood) or a very fine strainer.
  5. Separate the easy fish broth into several containers and reserve in the freezer, unless you are going to use it immediately.
  6. This homemade fish stock has a refrigerated life of 3 days. When we are going to defrost it, we will make it cold and then boil it again before using it.

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